Another one for the bees

It's a random day! I love these! For today's randomness I chose a bee bow, one that I haven't worn in forever . Etsy shop is CutiePatootieBow17, who is currently not selling anything. Bees! I think our local efforts to help bees may be paying off, as I've seen a lot of 'em around Grandma's place. We had a bumper crop of clover and dandelions this year, and Grandma's neighbors have a magnolia tree, so there's ample food for any bees that come along. Sigh...when Grandma's crabapple tree was alive the bees came in the thousands, but that tree is gone. The 2009 ice storm split it in two. I spent a lot of time playing in that tree as a child, so when I heard it had been destroyed I was devastated. There's a maple tree growing there now though, and it's a good tree. Pretty and healthy. It just doesn't attract bees. Buzz, RagingMoon1987