I wish my brother George was here

It's the one and only Liberace's birthday.  Such an occasion calls for something extra-sparkly, and since Liberace was openly gay, something rainbow as well.
Mama and Grandma used to watch Liberace on TV every afternoon, and they loved every second of every performance.  Mama said his fingers would fly.  She also said that she read about the lighting technicians having a terrible time because of Liberace's uber-blingy clothes.

As for me, I think the hardest I ever laughed at Jack Benny was when he performed with Liberace.  Fans of Liberace will know that he'd perform with a candelabrum on his piano, right?  When Mr. Benny traipses onto the stage and lifts his violin, it too has a candelabrum on it!
Of course Jack's deadpan expression helps sell it.  It always does.  I love Jack Benny.  I will say though...when Jack does come out with that candlestick on his violin, Liberace tells him he's "overdoing it."  When Liberace says something like that, you know you're overdoing it, because at times he was the king (queen?) of overdoing it.

Liberace's flamboyant stagewear influenced another well-known pianist, someone that I used to idolize and still think is pretty cool.  Or I thought I read somewhere that Elton John listed Liberace as an influence.  
By the time I started paying attention Elton John wasn't as over-the-top as he had been, but he still finds a way to stand out from the crowd, even as he ages.  That was one of the things I loved about Sir Elt growing up; he didn't give a flying burrito what anyone thought of him.  He did his own thing and didn't hurt anyone with it, and that was...well, that!

Happy birthday, Liberace!  Thanks for the music.



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