
A very tasty holiday

Unlike yesterday, I did have something planned in advance for today.  It's National Give Someone a Cupcake Day, among other things.  I wore this bow very recently , but it's so cute I'm gonna wear it again!  Etsy shop is TwinkleToesAndBowsLE . I must say, with the weather being as horrendous as it's been, I should've worn black.  The weather is predicted to be VERY bad today.  We'll see how this pans out.  Regarding cupcakes, which part do y'all think is better, the actual cake or the frosting?  I like both, but Mama and I have always been frosting fans.  And since I haven't had a decent cupcake in months, I'm signing off on this post, LOL! Frosty love, RagingMoon1987

Stars and rain

Today is yet another crap shoot day.  I always like those, 'cause it means I can wear whatever the eff I want.  I chose this bow, which I last wore in September . It's dark and rainy today, with thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon and particularly tomorrow.  Our local meteorologists are saying my area may get a dose of what northwestern Oklahoma got last night.  The Lord's will be done, I say. Love, RagingMoon1987

Star Wars Day has come again

Time to drag out the Sith bow again.  This one hasn't seen the light of day since LAST May 4th , which is sad.  I could wear this bow with just about anything I want.  Etsy shop is PreciousWonderland . Another year has gone by without me watching the Star Wars films.  As I've said in the past I have absolutely nothing against it, but I still couldn't tell Tattoine from Skaro...yeah, probably I could.  Skaro is crawling with Daleks and they're impossible to miss.   Sweeping change of subject, the Kentucky Derby is being held today, so my prayers are with the jockeys and the horses.  Despite what PETA might tell you, those horses get treated better than a lot of humans do.  But...accidents happen, like they did with Barbaro and Ruffian and goodness knows who else, so I always pray for the well-being of those horses. Love, RagingMoon1987

Can you hear me, Major Tom?

International Space Day.  Etsy shop is MoFunAccessories . I've always maintained a vague interest in space travel and study, but nothing too serious.  Mama, on the other hand, wonders how much tax money the country has spent on such shenanigans, and I have to admit she has a point.  I also have to wonder:  have we learned anything of use from our studies of space?  Have we gained anything besides pretty images of nebulae and Saturn and that?  The answer is probably yes, but I'm dumb and naive so I wouldn't know.  I could give you statistics about who all has died during our explorations of the wild blue yonder, but that's about it.  Don't read about Valentin Bondarenko unless your gut's pretty strong, by the way.  His fate was nearly identical to that of the Apollo 1 crew , but he lived for several hours in excruciating pain.  If the damn commies had been honest about Bondarenko's death then the Apollo 1 disaster might've been averted...but hey, it was

Pray today...and every day

Since it's International Day of Prayer, that can only mean my John 3:16 bow is appropriate. As loony as the world has become we NEED to pray!  Tornadoes, protests, and pro-palestinian horsesh!t here in the U.S., wars in Sudan, in Israel, in Russia and Ukraine, in Myanmar, it's just a hair cray-cray.  The wars in Sudan and in Myanmar appear to be civil wars, and I REALLY hate that.  No war is good, but civil wars always seem to be the cruelest. Regarding the tornadoes, April used to be the worst month for us here in the Bootheel, but lately May has been even more so.  I first noticed it in 2011 when Joplin got hit...but then that was just a bad spring, period.  God wasn't happy then either.  What I don't get was why the tornado had to plow through Joplin, and not some place where a lot of conflict was going on, but that's not my place to know, I don't s'pose.  My job is...well, to pray.  Pray for safety, pray for those that were hurt, give thanks for the good

Leave me alone

The first Wednesday in May is the Great American Grump-Out.  I chose my black satin bow for the occasion. Back in high school I didn't need an excuse to be a bitch, LOL.  On this particular Great American Grump-Out I've got the PERFECT excuse.  My bosses are coming, as are a passle of kindergarteners.  As I said yesterday, I prefer my children fricasseed.  THIS might keep 'em at bay! My new bracelet is made of rosary peas, and when properly chewed a single pea kills you slowly and painfully.  Not that I plan on feeding these to the kids...but they don't know that.  Bwa-ha-ha! Grumps, RagingMoon1987

Day of the Child

I prefer my children fricasseed.  LOL, it's Day of the Child, which I guess means my biggest, goofiest bow.  I last wore this one on April 13th of last year . Also one of my heaviest.  This bow is NOT a frequent flier as a result, though it IS cute and well-made.  But yeah, my mom had it out with a pair of children and their Karen mother yesterday, so children are not high on my nice list right now.  Yeah, yeah, I know there's lots of good kids out there, but I'd prefer that they be good over there while I sit here. Love (I guess), RagingMoon1987