More love for buttons

Hurrah for Buttons Day has come again, and with that I bring another bow from MoFunAccessories.  Interestingly, this bow is the one that I bought initially.  The bow I wore last year for Hurrah for Buttons Day came with it as a freebie.
If my Etsy records are correct, then this bow, delivered on November 23rd, 2019, was the first bow I bought for myself.  That makes sense, because I'd only begun wearing hair bows in April of that year, and Mama didn't start buying them for me until shortly before my birthday that same year.  As I noted in my introductory post, we were all wearing masks in public around then, and I have a hard enuff time telling people apart without face masks.  I reasoned that some of my younger patrons might have the same trouble, so some sort of hair bauble made the best sense.  It was kinda out of the blue, my sudden fondness for hair bows, but my friends and family embraced it quickly.  I was hoping that maybe I'd start a trend among library patrons, but most of my regulars are older and a bit past my level of silliness.  Oh well, that just means I'm easy to spot in a crowd!



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