Colour my world

It's Crayon Day! It should be no surprise to y'all that I love crayons even now. When I was very, very little I only had four, in the colors depicted on the bow: red, blue, yellow, and green. When I started school I learned that crayons come in many, many other colors, but I digress. Green was my favorite color as a toddler, and it remains that way now, but for some reason I chose blue earrings to go with the bow. I think I chose blue because I wear blue jeans every day, and blue jewelry matches blue jeans. Or that's the way I reasoned back in high school. But for the record, I do love blue; when one is a Moody Blues fan one tends to gravitate towards blue, and I am indeed a fan, LOL. Heck, I liked blue BEFORE I could tell Justin Hayward from Justin Timberlake (which isn't hard, as one's old and talented and the other is young and does better on SNL than he does as a singer). But anyway, I got the blue crayons to go with my bow. Pit...