Who needs it???
Last Saturday was International Asexuality Day, so I'm trotting out my pride bow.
Medium-sized and to the point, LOL! Normally I don't go so hot and heavy with the pride crap, but I got two new buttons in the mail yesterday. Y'all may or may not remember that I like frogs...and stars.
I try to go subtle. Mama says that sexual orientation is no one's business, and she's pretty much right, but...well, I want folks to know where I stand without having to yell it at 'em. That said...I wish asexuals had gotten the green stripe, LOL. Alas, green is for aromantics, and that's definitely not me. I say I hate romance, but in reality I just hate sappy romance novels. Romance to me is my mom and dad enjoying a single kiss on a Sunday morning, both dressed in their best. Daddy telling Mama "You look nice," before kissing her, and Mama replying "Well you taste nice" AFTER the kiss! True story, by the way. We were getting ready for church and Mama DID look nice. Daddy did too, for that matter, and since he'd just brushed his teeth he tasted like peppermint! That to me is love.
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