Try to set the night on fire

The last time I wore this bow it was the anniversary of Vincent van Gogh's death. This year I wanted his birthday, come hell or high water. The Starry Night has always made me think of the Doors and " Light My Fire ," LOL. The stars look like they literally are burning down the night sky. My bow isn't really a good representation of that, but the reference is clear. I included a pair of earrings that I've not yet worn. Mama found me those. I wish I could find some accessories to wear that had some of Van Gogh's other paintings on it. The Starry Night is probably his best known piece, but I'm fond of some of his wheatfield paintings. I particularly like this one , with storm clouds in the background. And of course, the vase of sunflowers . I love that one. Starry love, RagingMoon1987