Do you like green eggs and ham?

Seeing as it's just ham and eggs with food coloring, yeah, I can stomach it!  
Hmmm...or maybe it's NOT green food coloring!
This one is a special bow, as a local lady named Claudia Gage King made it.  Miss Claudia is manager of the local Dollar Tree and sells hair bows as a side gig.  Her coworkers also tell me that she's got a website, though I haven't yet found it.  When I DO find it I'll update with a link.  She's got some cute stuff in multiple sizes, and she told me that she was open to commissions.

As to Dr. Seuss...killecrankie, I think everyone loves Dr. Seuss, no matter how old they are.  Green Eggs and Ham is one of those classics that remains popular in the current day.  Indeed, I forget how many copies of the book my library has lost over the years.  Jerks will check 'em out and just...not bring 'em back, fines be damned.  As for me, I love how Sam-I-Am lets his unnamed friend's opening lines roll off his back. 

UNNAMED FRIEND:  That Sam-I-Am, that Sam-I-Am.  I do not like that Sam-I-Am!
SAM (completely unfazed):  Do you like green eggs and ham?

In typical Dr. Seuss fashion, chaos ensues from there.  The protagonist swears that he would not, would not like the titular food on a boat, with a goat, in the rain, in the dark, in a tree, in a car (Sam, let me be!), in a box, with a fox, in a house, with a mouse, here, there, or anywhere.  The line with the mouse always sent Mama into a tizzy, as she's terrified of mice.  "I sure as hell WOULDN'T eat them with a mouse," she'd always say.  Anyway, after this diatribe Sam sweet-talks his friend into trying the food...and the friend DOES like green eggs and ham.  Thank you!  Thank you, Sam-I-Am!

Admittedly, while I admire Sam's persistence, I also relate with his friend.  No one likes to be nagged or asked repeated questions about the same thing.  And I was not a big fan of eggs growing up myself.  I've only in the past few years grown to like them.  Egg on toast is my mother's specialty; she always leaves the yolks soft (over-easy, is it?) so that we can dip the rest of the toast in that lovely yellow goodness.  Daddy, on the other hand, preferred his fried eggs over-hard, because his mother flat-out refused to cook 'em that way when he was young.

How do y'all like your eggs?  Do you like 'em with ham?  Or would you prefer that eggs take a long walk off a short cliff?



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