
Easter snuck up on me!
I hate it when Easter comes early!  When it comes early it can often mean rain, cold weather, even snow.  When I was very, very little that meant either no Easter egg hunt at all or one inside.  Not that that wasn't fun, of course!  I distinctly remember Easter of 1994, which fell on April third and was wet and rainy.  I was already a tornado buff at the time and found it fitting that April third would be stormy, but I digress.  Mama and Daddy had hidden the plastic Easter eggs in the living room for my sister and me to find, and oh, what fun we had hiding and rehiding those eggs.  And of course there was the candy and toys in our baskets to make us good and hyper, and The Tale of the Bunny Picnic was on one of the kids' channels so there was that to enjoy.  LOL, I still like that opening song!

As I grew older my family started going to church again, and Easter consisted of wearing a new outfit if the weather was nice enuff (that again), sitting through a sermon, and then watching the kids have their Easter egg hunt.  Guess who usually helped hide eggs?  <raises hand>  I loved every second of it.

And now, if y'all don't mind, I'm off to find my mother and me some Peeps!  She thought I'd bought some last week, but it was another trio of hair bows.

Sweet love,


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