Happy birthday, Elmo!

Yep, his birthday is today, though denizens of Sesame Street never seem to age.  This bow was a freebie from AbbeysAlley, one that came with my other Sesame Street bow.
Elmo is not my favorite muppet, but I don't hate him either.  Indeed, I get why he's so popular nowadays, years after he moved to Sesame Street.  But I could ask ten different people who their favorite Sesame Street muppet is and get ten different answers, so there you go.  As I've said before, Oscar the Grouch is my fellow.  He's kinda an a-hole, but he tells it like it is when it needs to be done.  Oscar's birthday is June 1st.  But today, it's all about the little red guy.

Happy birthday, Elmo!



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