Sunny day, clearin' the clouds away!

November 10th was Sesame Street's birthday, but I waited a bit too long to order this bow so it wasn't here in time.  Etsy shop is one I'm quickly growing fond of, AbbeysAlley.
Oh Lordy, I loved Sesame Street growing up, and I still love it.  Predictably, Oscar the Grouch is my favorite character, though I also relate to Cookie Monster pretty well.  C'mon, who doesn't love cookies???  I also retain a soft spot for a more obscure character Forgetful Jones, because he was the first character that showed true emotion that wasn't being played for laughs.  Or at least he was the first character that I saw; not long after that I learned that all the muppets on Sesame Street are capable of crying or flying into a rage.  But in the Sesame Street Magazine story, Forgetful's steed and BFF Buster was heading away to see family (or so Forgetful thought), and he was distraught over the pair being separated.  Buster subsequently reminded Forgetful that it was HIS family they were visiting, not Buster's, the pair had a laugh over Forgetful's...well, forgetfulness  The duo immediately departed to see Forgetful's family together, and all was right with the world.  Since Forgetful Jones is kind of obscure he's not on my bow.  Indeed, the only characters on the bow are Elmo and Cookie Monster.

Elmo sometimes grates on me because he's so...well, so cute, but he's okay.  He ranked #1 on both of the lists that I found (here and here), so he's pretty popular.  He's even got his own pet now, a goldfish named Dorothy.  I don't remember Dorothy appearing much in the past, so she has to be a fairly new addition.  Or new in comparison to the other characters; Elmo's been part of the show since 1980, which was before my mom and dad even met.  Knowing my dad, he was probably still puttering around Wichita Falls on his motorbike around then.  Or I think it was Wichita Falls.  Daddy mentioned his motorcycle gang visiting some Texas town immediately after a violent tornado in the 1970s.  The description of the damage suggests Lubbock, but Daddy was in college in 1970 so it would have to be Wichita Falls that his group visited.  Either way he said the damage was terrible, and there were a lot of fatalities...meaning that it could've been either Lubbock or Wichita Falls.  Anyway, Elmo is older than I am, but I only noticed Dorothy's presence when I was in high school.  

Cookie Monster, the other character on my bow, is even older than Elmo is, dating back to 1966.  I never saw him as obnoxious, even though some of my friends at school thought he was a tremendous pain.  Pain or no, Cookie Monster also ranked high on the lists I linked, indicating that while not quite as popular as Elmo he IS loved.  Indeed, in this link he beat Elmo AND Big Bird!  I'm a cookie glutton myself so I can relate to the derpy-eyed shag carpet, and I think a lot of us adults can too.  In recent years Children's Television Workshop has tried to ruin Cookie Monster tone down the cookie-gobbling a bit, but to me he'll always be Cookie Monster!  If any of y'all fancy a laugh, hop on YouTube and listen to someone reading Cookie Monster and the Cookie Tree.  I freakin' love that book.

I could go on about other characters I like (Oscar the Grouch, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, Julia, and Kami often make my top ten list), but then we'd be here forever, and Kami isn't even on the American Sesame Street.  She's on the South African version and was created to teach children about the AIDS problem (she's HIV-positive), and grief (she's an orphan) while still being positive.  I think she's really cute, and I love her accent.  I wish she'd pay a visit to American Sesame Street someday, if she hasn't already.  They could play her off as Elmo's pen pal, since she appears to be friends with Elmo.  Seriously, who ISN'T friends with Elmo???

Sunny days to all,


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