Today is no particular holiday, so I dug deep in my box and came up with an old favorite . Pandas are never out of season, OR out of style! Some of my pandas take a page out of JoJo's book, and are wearing bows themselves. I guess that for a bear they'd be ear bows. Flaxie, my Build-a-Bear, wears her bows on her ears, so that works. Flaxie is one of those Wal-Mart Build-a-Bears that could've been either gender, so it's up to me to make it clear that my particular bear is a girl. Shucks, I wish I could find a red panda bow for meself, one that DIDN'T have Turning Red as a theme! I liked red pandas before Turning Red made them cool, thank you. I liked 'em before Aggretsuko came along too, but I'll ignore that because Retsuko is fifty shades of awesome. I have nothing against Turning Red either, but I'd just like a simple red panda bow, one kinda like my sloth bow . But...giant pandas are wicked cool too. Indeed, I've got a buddy at the li...