
Showing posts from January, 2024

Super Bowl bound...again!

The Chiefs NEVER did this well when my dad was alive! Yep, Kansas City is going to the Super Bowl for the second year running.  While everyone else is having a stroke over that bitch Taylor Swift, I'm rooting once again for the family favorite team.  It's probably too much to hope for two Super Bowl wins in a row, but it's happened before.  Maybe it'll happen again this year. Pigskin pride, RagingMoon1987

Zipper heart

This bow is a special one.  Not only did Mama find it, but it's very original.  When's the last time y'all saw a heart made from a cast-off zipper? I have multiple summer and winter blouses that this will match this bow, so I predict that it'll get a lot of mileage in the weeks and months ahead.  Despite my animosity towards Valentine's Day (will be discussed in a future post) I do love hearts.  Hearts are almost as good as polka dots.  I like zippers too; that fondness stems back to my childhood, when zippers were easier and faster to manipulate than buttons.  Don't get me wrong, I love buttons, but when you're getting ready for school and your mother is a teacher you're kinda on a time crunch of a morning.  Thank God I didn't have to button my shoes, like Laura Ingalls Wilder and her sisters did.  Heck, tying my shoes was enuff of a chore at times!  I didn't wear a pair of shoes that zipped until I got to junior high. Have any of y'all ever...

A sweet heart

A sweet heart for a sweetheart, though in truth I'm about as sweet as a Sour Patch Kid. Sour Patch Kids never were my favorite candy.  My sister likes her candy as sour as humanly possible, but I prefer mine fruity or chocolatey.  Now doughnuts...well, if you listen to Cookie Monster doughnuts aren't as good as cookies, but I love me a big fat glazed doughnut.  I almost NEVER see 'em in the shape of a heart, but I have seen them shaped like stars or flowers.  Thus I reckon that a heart would be small potatoes. If y'all wish to know my preference on baked goods...well, I like anything with cream cheese in it a lot, LOL.  I'm not terribly picky, though.  Sometimes one just wants a plain old doughnut.  I especially like those little powdered ones that folks sometimes eat for breakfast. Hearts and sprinkles, RagingMoon1987

Return of the panda bow

Today is no particular holiday, so I dug deep in my box and came up with an old favorite .  Pandas are never out of season, OR out of style! Some of my pandas take a page out of JoJo's book, and are wearing bows themselves.  I guess that for a bear they'd be ear bows.  Flaxie, my Build-a-Bear, wears her bows on her ears, so that works.  Flaxie is one of those Wal-Mart Build-a-Bears that could've been either gender, so it's up to me to make it clear that my particular bear is a girl. Shucks, I wish I could find a red panda bow for meself, one that DIDN'T have Turning Red as a theme!  I liked red pandas before Turning Red made them cool, thank you.  I liked 'em before Aggretsuko came along too, but I'll ignore that because Retsuko is fifty shades of awesome.  I have nothing against Turning Red either, but I'd just like a simple red panda bow, one kinda like my sloth bow . But...giant pandas are wicked cool too.  Indeed, I've got a buddy at the li...

Way outta line!

You could by mine, but you're WAY OUTTA LINE !!!  The last Thursday in January is apparently Clashing Clothes Day.  I wore a maroon blouse today, so I paired it with this monstrosity of a JoJo Bow.  I last wore this one on May sixth , when it was starting to get hot. Monstrosity nothing, LOL.  This is actually one of my favorite bows.  Not only does it clash with my shirt, but it also clashes with my surroundings!  The bow itself is summery, but right now it's raining and kinda cold.  Not as cold as it was last week, mind y'all, but cold enuff.  AND foggy!  I'm glad no one I love has had to fly anywhere.  I'd estimate that visibility was down to a quarter mile at its worst. With all that pink it's a perfect way to segue into a holiday season that utilizes a lot of pink, but I won't be doing that for a few more days yet.  I have valentine hair bows, but not as many as I do Christmas and Independence Day bows. Love, RagingMoon1987...

Awww, nuts!

It's National Peanut Butter Day!  Shop is HandmadebyRileyRose . My family has to be extremely careful about peanuts nowadays, because my brother-in-law has a peanut allergy.  But when he's not around my mom and I love peanuts and peanut butter sandwiches.  Oh, and the occasional Butterfinger bar.  I freaking love those.  Truth be told I love anything that's got peanut butter in it. I knew a kid that DIDN'T like peanut butter, though.  He was and still is our preacher's son, and when he was little he couldn't stand peanut butter.  I don't know why, never did find out why, but he didn't care for the stuff.  Admittedly it can get cloying after awhile.  But I never thought to ask him why, and he never said, and it wasn't my business anyway.  I just thought it was kinda funny, because most kids love peanut butter. Of course the debate still rages:  creamy or crunchy peanut butter.  I like both, but if you aimed a gun at my chest and...

Naming names

This one is the first bow I wore for the blog.  Etsy shop is osewpretty . I can't sling a dead cat without hitting another Sarah, and the vast majority of the ones I've met have my middle name, Elizabeth.  I have met one lady named Sarah Magdalene, but I digress.  During my tweens I wanted to change my name to "Rebecca" or "Susannah," but ultimately I decided it wasn't worth the effort, and "Sarah Elizabeth" was fine. I did almost change my mind my second year of college, when there were THREE Sarah Elizabeths living on my floor.  When the RA called out my name I shrugged and said "Call me 'Tree Frog.'"  "Tree Frog" was a nickname I gave myself as a child, and I thought "why not?"  I was "Tree Frog" for a long time after that, and I'll STILL answer to it. Despite my childhood umbrage at being named something kinda plain, I thank God now that Mama and Daddy named my sister and me something sens...


Penguin Day, y'all!  And I don't know about y'all, but I love me some penguins!  Etsy shop is Tutu2CuteShop . When I was a little kid I wanted more than anything to be able to fly, and I did everything I could to learn how.  Of course I was NOT successful, and I greatly sympathized with the birds in my kiddie books that also did not fly.  Ostrich, emu, kiwi, and of course, penguin.  It wasn't until later that I learned that penguins CAN fly.  When they're underwater, their swimming looks exactly like flying, and as far as I'm concerned it is legit flying.  It surprised me how penguins are so awkward on land, but in the water they're like fish.  Doesn't hurt that they're cute as all getout. Those are emperor penguins.  I personally am quite fond of chinstraps. The late, great Steve Irwin filmed one of his shows in Antarctica, and while he was there he encountered a large flock of chinstrap penguins.  Chinstraps are small penguins when ful...

I love Lucy

On this day in 1953, Lucy Ricardo went to the hospital to have Little Ricky.  Etsy shop is RoxysBowtiqueShop . My mother is the family's I Love Lucy fan, but I like the show too.  My favorite clip is this one, where Lucy annihilates several home movies and hilarity ensues.  I've even got a couple'a the dolls.  There were a bajillion I Love Lucy dolls during my adolescence, and I've got these two. The Vitameatavegimin doll (left) is particularly special because she reminds me of how hard Mama laughs at that scene.  We all know by now how the scene is gonna end, but we all still think it's a riot.  The doll with the cello is called "The Audition," and I've never seen that episode.  My review on "Lucy Does a TV Commercial" can be found here ; that doll review is older than Methuselah now, but I still have that doll tucked away in my doll room. Hearts, RagingMoon1987

Silly old bear!

Today is Winnie the Pooh Day.  While Pooh Bear is not as big a deal in the U.S. as he is in England, I still enjoy him. Etsy shop is VALERIAASBOWTIQUE .  It's got Pooh, Eeyore (who is smiling for a change), Tigger, and Piglet.  Tigger was the one I related with the most when I was a kid, since I was hyper and loved to run, jump, swing, play ball, whatever.  Rabbit drove me nuts because he was so anal-retentive.  But as I got older I grew to understand Rabbit more. Yeah, I know that's fanmade, but I can still relate.  Seriously, sometimes I want to punch morning people in the throat, and I can picture Rabbit not being a morning person.   Did any of y'all grow up with Winnie-the-Pooh books? Love, RagingMoon1987

It finally snowed

Yes, it finally snowed, and I'm ready for it to take a hike.  Either way snow calls guessed it, a Frozen bow. I reiterate, I've never seen Frozen.  And yet...and yet I have more Frozen bows than I do bows for programs I've seen and like.  I've never counted how many Frozen bows I've got, but there's at least eight of 'em. Don't know what else to say, other than it's cold outside and I'm ready for spring.  Buzz off, Elsa. Frosty love, RagingMoon1987

I am resolved

Religious Freedom Day was yesterday, but I don't need much of an excuse to wear this bow.  It was a gift, so I don't know what/who the Etsy shop is, but I know it IS an Etsy bow. Thank God we still have the right to worship as we see fit in this country.  That may one day change, but right now I can worship how I wish without having to keep an eye half-open.  That sadly isn't true for a lot of the Jews in this world, even here in the U.S.  Oh sure, Jews have the right to assemble, that I stop to think of it just about ALL of the main religions have had some sort of hate crime here in the U.S. over the past couple'a decades. God bless, RagingMoon1987

Rubber Duckie!

It's Rubber Duckie Day, so I get to trot out my rubber duckie bow ... ...and my earrings... ...and normally I'd wear my shirt, but it's too cold to wear that. Seriously, the denizens of Sesame Street have declared today Rubber Duckie's birthday, and I'm not gonna argue with Bert and Ernie.  Everyone oughtta love Rubber Duckie anyway; I've even got Day of the Dead rubber duckies...somewhere.  I think my sister even collected 'em for awhile, but I don't know if she still does.  Now she collects coffee mugs and that's alright too.  While she was living in Vermont I even bought her one that says "I f#%king miss you, bitch" inside.  But for awhile she liked rubber ducks. Happy birthday, Rubber Duckie!  I had a rubber duckie meself growing up...and y'all know what???  The goober was top-heavy!  He looked just like this one, paint rubs and all. Oh don't get me wrong, he floated.  But if the water was even a little choppy he'd go belly-...

Oh, look at it rain

Today is a plethora of small obscure holidays, and I don't have a hair bow for a single one.  So once again I'm digging deep into my boxes.  As of the nine o'clock hour it's raining with some lightning accompanying, so I picked a plastic bow that I've worn before (I only have two plastic bows).  Pardon the flash; these transparent bows are hard to photograph.  Etsy shop is perfectprincess .  They're based out of Jackson, Tennessee and as of writing are not taking any orders due to the expected foul weather (it's supposed to snow this weekend). Okay, it IS Kiss a Ginger Day, but I have no one to kiss, let alone a ginger.  I'd almost give my left arm to have someone to love, someone who loves me just as much as I love him, but I'm not bettin' on it.  Not ever.  Anyway, this is the bow I wanted to wear with my jellyfish earrings for Jellyfish Day, but I misplaced the earrings.  Turns out I had them with the bow, but concealed by other bows. Thi...

Not in much of a mood

I haven't been in too bright and shiny of a mood lately, so I picked a bow that might lift my spirits a bit.  This one is another gift from my mama. Today is supposed to be the warmest day of the week, before the rain moves in and temperatures fall like Aeromexico Flight 498 .  I'm praying it won't get as cold as they say it will, but so far the forecast is holding true.  Oh well, that's winter, and we've got three more weeks until Groundhog Day so we may have at least nine more weeks of winter. Nine weeks...that's long enuff for the average mama cat to gestate a litter of kittens.  When I was a little kid and our cat was pregnant that nine weeks felt like an eternity.  Thank God, nothing ever went seriously wrong until I was an adult and adopted an abandoned pregnant cat.  That was...oh, that was bad!  I still have the mama, though!  She's awesome. I've bloviated enuff. Cheers, RagingMoon1987

Ain't it great to be crazy?!

Happy National Peculiar People Day, y'all!  I freaking love being an eccentric! I wish my sister were here.  She'd HATE this bow.  Etsy shop is one of my favorites, MoFunAccessories , and there was an interesting story behind this particular bow.  I'd picked a similar one with a decapitated Lalaloopsy doll on it, but the proprietor of the store contacted me and told me the Lalaloopsy bow had disappeared in the mayhem that was her shop!  She offered me another bow, I picked the other beheaded doll, and all was well.  The proprietor of this shop is extremely accommodating, and I can't recommend her enuff. Yep, I guess y'all could say that I'm Malden's resident eccentric.  It's not uncommon to see a fat brunette limping through a graveyard with one or more dolls in my hands, looking for that perfect spot to set up for a photo op.  Or you might see me limping around looking up, my phone in my hands, as I wait for a special cloud to be perfectly illumi...

Over the hills and far away

Another repeat, another birthday.  Today is for Jimmy Page.  Etsy shop is RoxysBowtiqueShop , and I last wore this bow on August 19th . Page is on the far right in this image. Crazy Jimmy Page, the guitarist for one of England's best-known bands.  I went through my college years eschewing Led Zeppelin in favor of the Who, but now that my blinders are off I have to admit that Zep may have been the stronger band.  Robert Plant had and still has an amazing voice, and while Jimmy Page didn't smash his guitar or invent the windmill, his playing style sounds cleaner.  No hate meant to Pete Townshend, of course; the Who will always be at the top of my favorites list.  But Zep deserves to be there too.  Indeed, Jimmy Page played for the Who when the Who were still very, very, VERY green, though good ol' Pete wasn't thrilled about it.  Jimmy was a session musician at the time, and in addition to the Who he also worked for/with the Kinks...and the Stones......

The return of Pac-Man

I got in the mood to wear this bow again.  It hasn't seen the light of day since the early days of this blog , and it's one of my favorites.  Etsy shop is DollfaceDesignss , one of my favorite shops. I don't guess I should fault my Pac-Man too hard for popping pills, not when Underdog also relies on pills to keep his strength up.  Underdog is awesome. LOL, that's all I've got today! Waka-waka, RagingMoon1987

Too much red

Not much to say about today's bow.  It's pretty and red. I need to fan out the right side. I love red.  Let's get that out of the way right now.  I love wearing red, my favorite small birds (cardinals, woodpeckers, and house finches) are either red or part-red, and this time of year the clouds are often red.  But this time of year red starts to wear a little thin.  Everyone wears red at least some of the time during Christmas, and then there's a month in between Christmas and Valentine's Day where more red gets trotted out.  By the time February is over I'm ready for some other color, and thus I'm pretty tickled when St. Patrick's Day rolls around.  It doesn't hurt that St. Pat's Day features my favorite color. That said, I do love red, and red does brighten up these bleak winter days.  My neck of the woods had a lot of rain last night, and it looks like it might rain some more Monday night.  As a result I'm always looking for cardinals or ho...

Let it go

For many years it's been a running gag on my doll blog about the Disney/Pixar movie Frozen .  I learned about a month ago that Frozen has been out ten years now, but I've never seen it.  I HAVE seen Frozen Fever and I laughed until I nearly peed my pants, and I've seen the much-loved "Let It Go" scene , but that's all.  Thus it might seem a little ridiculous that I'd have a Frozen bow, but I...actually have several, because I think the theme is cute and because I think Anna and Elsa are cute.  This one is a favorite among my family and friends due to the soft colors. It's hard to tell, but those silhouettes are Anna and Elsa...and some trees, and I think I see Olaf there too. Not the best quality, but y'all get the idea.  Grosgrain always looks blurry up close.  Also, the hearts and sparkles surrounding the two sisters look more to me like fall leaves than snowflakes, but...oh well.  Like I said, this is grosgrain and grosgrain always looks blurr...

Another one for the Lalaloopsy crew

All the Lalaloopsy dolls have birthday's and Pillow Featherbed 's is today.  That's the doll on my bow.  Etsy shop is MyLuckyHairBow . Pillow's birthday coincides with Festival of Sleep Day, which sounds like a darn good festival to celebrate, especially when winter is just getting started and I have to drag my butt out of bed before it's even light outside. Believe it or not, about a year ago I was grubbing around in my room for God knows what, and I unearthed a cardboard box of hair bows that I'd forgotten about.  This Lalaloopsy bow was in there, as were a couple'a other bows I haven't yet debuted. As for me, myself...well, I've never owned Pillow Featherbed.  I own Blossom and Petal Flowerpot , Dot Starlight ,  Mint E. Stripes , Scraps Stitched 'n' Sewn , Furry Grrs-a-Lot in both big doll and Lalaloopsy Girl form , Pix E. Flutters in Lalaloopsy Girl form, and Princess Anise from the Lala-Oopsies spinoff.  Oh yeah, and one of those stup...