Oh, look at it rain

Today is a plethora of small obscure holidays, and I don't have a hair bow for a single one.  So once again I'm digging deep into my boxes.  As of the nine o'clock hour it's raining with some lightning accompanying, so I picked a plastic bow that I've worn before (I only have two plastic bows).  Pardon the flash; these transparent bows are hard to photograph.  Etsy shop is perfectprincess.  They're based out of Jackson, Tennessee and as of writing are not taking any orders due to the expected foul weather (it's supposed to snow this weekend).
Okay, it IS Kiss a Ginger Day, but I have no one to kiss, let alone a ginger.  I'd almost give my left arm to have someone to love, someone who loves me just as much as I love him, but I'm not bettin' on it.  Not ever.  Anyway, this is the bow I wanted to wear with my jellyfish earrings for Jellyfish Day, but I misplaced the earrings.  Turns out I had them with the bow, but concealed by other bows.
This shop is INSLike, and they're not selling anything ATM, but I'm including a link anyway.

I don't think I'll rehash my love for Cnidaria since I've done it once before, but I will say that I love jellyfish...as long as they're not stinging me or my loved ones.  As I stated in the past, my sister tangled with one at Myrtle Beach and she said it was no picnic.

If you're living in the middle of the country, don't drown and don't freeze!  It's fixin' to get cold!



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