Silly old bear!
Today is Winnie the Pooh Day. While Pooh Bear is not as big a deal in the U.S. as he is in England, I still enjoy him.
Etsy shop is VALERIAASBOWTIQUE. It's got Pooh, Eeyore (who is smiling for a change), Tigger, and Piglet. Tigger was the one I related with the most when I was a kid, since I was hyper and loved to run, jump, swing, play ball, whatever. Rabbit drove me nuts because he was so anal-retentive. But as I got older I grew to understand Rabbit more.
Yeah, I know that's fanmade, but I can still relate. Seriously, sometimes I want to punch morning people in the throat, and I can picture Rabbit not being a morning person.
Did any of y'all grow up with Winnie-the-Pooh books?
Did any of y'all grow up with Winnie-the-Pooh books?
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