Not in much of a mood

I haven't been in too bright and shiny of a mood lately, so I picked a bow that might lift my spirits a bit.  This one is another gift from my mama.
Today is supposed to be the warmest day of the week, before the rain moves in and temperatures fall like Aeromexico Flight 498.  I'm praying it won't get as cold as they say it will, but so far the forecast is holding true.  Oh well, that's winter, and we've got three more weeks until Groundhog Day so we may have at least nine more weeks of winter.

Nine weeks...that's long enuff for the average mama cat to gestate a litter of kittens.  When I was a little kid and our cat was pregnant that nine weeks felt like an eternity.  Thank God, nothing ever went seriously wrong until I was an adult and adopted an abandoned pregnant cat.  That was...oh, that was bad!  I still have the mama, though!  She's awesome.

I've bloviated enuff.



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