International Elephant Day

This is a holiday my dad would've been all over like white on rice.  Y'all have seen my University of Alabama bow (which is an elephant), so today's bow is a bit more childlike.
I never would've dreamed that pink and gray would look good together, but they do.  And there's polka dots, and there's elephants, so it's all good.

Back on April 15th I spoke of my father's fondness for elephants.  I wonder if he knew that there was a day celebrating them?  Given his fondness for his birthday and for National Hot Dog Day (July 19th), he probably would've found a way to celebrate.  As for me, well...I'm not as big on elephants as Daddy was, but I do like them.  Frogs are my animal of choice.  But anyway, remember that collection of elephants that Daddy had?  The one that I had to explain to friends after he died?  My sister and I haven't talked this out yet, but if I get 'em I'll split 'em with her.  There's more than enuff to share.

Love and elephants,


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