How DARE you?!?!?!

You didn't give me my way without batting an eye and now I'm mad!!!
Yesterday's bow was one of my biggest, and today's bow is one of my smallest, at three inches across.  
Admit it, if you're reading this you're probably a bit of a Karen too.  All of us have it in us, but most of us keep it hidden until it's needed, and most of us probably don't go to the extremes that the Karens on rSlash do.  LOL, do any of y'all watch rSlash's "r/entitleparents" videos?  The voices that rSlash uses are hilarious, and some of the stories he reads are...well, they're both hilarious and infuriating, since some Karens are full-tilt ridiculous.  HERE is a link to rSlash's channel.

If y'all have read my doll blog then you may have seen that I...actually kinda resent the "Karen" label a bit.  I agree that this breed of woman has to have a special name, but why couldn't it have been some old name that no one uses anymore, something like "Maude" or "Bertha"?  Admittedly I'm a little biased towards the name "Karen," since three of my best friends are or were named "Karen" and NONE of them wore the stereotypical bob haircut!  I say "were" because one of them is sadly dead now.  This time last year she was alive and joking about her son and his dogs...but also complaining about a sudden and mysterious stomach pain.  The pain turned out to be a disease that wiped out several other members of Karen's family, stomach cancer.  Karen was diagnosed in June, and before the end of September she was dead.  I took it hard then, and I'm still mourning her.  When Mama and I found out where she was buried I walked up to her grave and said out loud "I miss you," just like she could hear.  Heck, maybe she did!  Karen was in many ways a real Karen, as she was brutally honest about a lot of things and would indeed talk to your manager if something wasn't right.  But only if something REALLY wasn't right!  She wasn't the type who demanded your wheelchair just because she got a little footsore.  Indeed, she was the type who'd bring food to the library just for the heckuvit, and then sit and talk for hours about whatever you might want to talk about.  She was amazing, and as I said above I miss her dearly.

The other two Karens are very much the same:  selfless and gregarious, though not without flaws.  One of them owns dogs and I used to babysit them.  At the time that I started she had two full dachshunds (Buddy and Dixie) and one dachshund/Pomeranian mix (Coco).  Coco was a teeny-weeny slip of a thing with a number of health problems, and she was the cutest little goober you ever saw.  The second time I went to babysit she waddled up to me, grabbed my pantsleg in her teeth, and shook it going "rur-rur-rur!" like she was big and bad!  It was hilarious.  It turned out that that was her way of saying "Pick me up and let me kiss you!"  Coco is dead now too; cancer felled her as well, and she was an old doggie anyway.  Karen gave her the good life, as she does for all her animals.  As for the third Karen, she has a smaller presence in my life but is still loved.  She comes into the library wearing pink or blue or something simple and pretty, she always has a smile on her face, and she loves to talk.  So not all Karens are bad!  Indeed, I find it ironic that two of the worst Karens I've ever met are men.  I think the term for a male Karen is "Chad," but neither of them are man enuff to be called that so I call 'em "Karen."  I've also seen other names thrown around, but "Chad" sounds good to me.  No offense to anyone named Chad!  Again, I've known some great guys named "Chad."

Who is the worst Karen you've ever met?  How much of a Karen are you?  Discuss.

Live, laugh, and love,


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