The day before...

Yep, tomorrow's the day!  July 3rd means my fanciest patriotic bow.
When I was a kid July 3rd was like the night before Christmas.  As I said last year we ALWAYS did something fun for the 4th.  Mama made homemade ice cream one year.  Another year it was a feast of bratwurst and hot dogs.  Still another year we adopted a stray kitten.  And yet another year we spent the whole day in the pool and got sunburned beyond belief.  LOL, that was the year that I learned how apple cider vinegar would help take the sting out of sunburns.  I mean, my sister and I are fair anyway, and we got TOASTED that day.  That night as Mama was putting us to bed she brought us a bottle of apple cider vinegar and wanted to put it on our burns...but Sister refused it.  She didn't want to stink, and hell with the pain, apparently.  I, on the other hand, am not a huge fan of pain and don't mind the smell of vinegar, so I happily took the treatment and felt a lot better the next day.  My sister...not so much, the dummy.  Live and learn!  

So far I've not yet spent a Fourth of July 100% rained out, but tomorrow the forecast looks...surprisingly stormy.  This should be interesting to see; maybe the fireworks I get will be God-given rather than manmade.  For the record, I love lightning as long as it's not right on top of me.  So we'll see what happens.



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