Lies, lies, lies, yeah!

I learned that the Republican National Convention closes today, so I thought "May as well wear my most controversial bow."
I usually vote red, and I intend to again this time around, but let's be real:  neither party is worth a crap, and this time around the candidates all suck.  The Donald can't keep his big mouth shut, Sleepy Joe is losing his mind, and none of the alternatives are worth the sperm and eggs it took to conceive 'em.  Sad thing is, I think Joe Biden would've done a fine job as president if he had his wits about him.  I like him.  I don't like some of his policies, but I like him.  But he's not cut out for the job anymore.  All the others do is lie to us and throw mud at each other.  We don't even hear promises to make the country better, empty as those promises may be.  It's just "Trump did this" or "Biden didn't do that," and a bunch of lies, damned lies, and statistics that may or may not be lies.

Let's face it.  The country is screwed.  But then again, politics is no place for an honest man.  It's always been dirty, and the assassination attempt on Saturday shows how far some folks will go to play dirty!  

Yours truly,


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