Cold case

I reiterate my sentiment from earlier in the week; I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to wear a certain bow.  Today is Lizzie Borden's birthday, and National Stick Out Your Tongue Day...oh yes, Lizzie Borden.  The disembodied doll head.

Lizzie Borden took an axe
Gave her mother forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave Father forty-one

From what I've read Andrew and Abby Borden kinda needed someone to slap them into shape.  They were rich and thus were kinda elitist, like many rich people can be.  Lizzie and her sister Emma also suspected that Abby married their father for his money.  NO ONE in the family bothered to remember the proper name of their maid, Bridget Sullivan; their last maid was a woman named "Maggie," and the Bordens called poor Bridget "Maggie" instead.  Now...all that said, is that an excuse for murder?  Not really, no.  But Andrew and Abby ended up dead, Lizzie and Bridget were both suspected, and Lizzie was tried for the crime.  She was not convicted, but there are plenty of folks who think she was guilty as sin.  As for me...I don't know.  Both Lizzie and Bridget had motive and ample opportunity, both acted suspiciously in the aftermath of the murders, and both provided inconsistent testimonies.  I think it's entirely possible that both women were in on it, but that's just my theory.  There is a theory going around that Lizzie and Bridget were in a lesbian relationship, and that Abby caught them doing things that lovers do, and that that triggered the murders, but again that's just heresay.  Bridget did go on to marry a man...but Lizzie did not, so maybe there's a fragment of truth there.  And maybe not.  Either way it's a wild case, one of America's favorite unsolved murders.



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