Who cut the cheese?
National Cheese Day. I don't have a bow with just cheese, but I have the next best thing! Etsy shop is HeavenSentBowtique.
I love me some mac and cheese...as long as it's not too mooshy. Sometimes folks cook the noodles to death and they're just...mooshy. But I can deal with mooshy noodles if the flavor is good, like it is at our local KFC. My favorite mac and cheese has some kind of meat in it, something like chicken or bacon.
Now cheese in general...I would say I'm an enthusiast, but I don't sit around eating cheese, nor have I tasted a lot of the cheeses that cheese enthusiasts do indulge in, so I'll just say that I like cheese and be done with it. I like it melted on chicken or on my hamburgers, I like the phony stuff that goes on soft pretzels, and more than just about anything I love beer cheese dip. I haven't had that in a long time, and just thinking about it gets my mouth watering.
Love and cheese,
Now cheese in general...I would say I'm an enthusiast, but I don't sit around eating cheese, nor have I tasted a lot of the cheeses that cheese enthusiasts do indulge in, so I'll just say that I like cheese and be done with it. I like it melted on chicken or on my hamburgers, I like the phony stuff that goes on soft pretzels, and more than just about anything I love beer cheese dip. I haven't had that in a long time, and just thinking about it gets my mouth watering.
Love and cheese,
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