The return of the puzzle piece bow

Adult Autism Awareness Day is today, and their symbol is the puzzle piece, just like it is for autistic children.
I kinda think that we're ALL on the spectrum to some extent.  Indeed, I think a touch of autism may run in my mother's side of the family.  My great aunt was a carefully organized hoarder, left the heat on in summertime, and had NO FILTER!  If you'd put on weight, she'd let you know.  If you were slouching, she'd poke you in the back and make you stand up straight.  She didn't do it to be ugly, not really.  She was just...VERY concerned about us looking like we were worth something.  I too am eccentric, but...I think I'm just eccentric.

Speaking of eccentrics, one of my favorite people, Suzanne "Underdog" Muldowney," legit IS on the autism spectrum.  This is her now; in her youth she was quite pretty.
Speed of lightning!  Roar of thunder!  Fighting all who rob or plunder!  Ahem...Miss Suzanne has Asperger's syndrome, which may explain why she acts a little on the odd side.  Harmless, mind y'all, but a little eccentric.  She's a performance artist who frequently marches in parades around New Jersey and Maryland, and she takes said performances VERY seriously.  Underdog is her favorite persona, but she's also performed Supergirl and Count Dracula, as well as a few self-created characters like the Yellow Angel and Shelley the Mermaid.  Of course all superheroes have their chief nemesis, and Miss Suzanne's is none other than Howard Stern.  She was on his show many years ago and the two locked horns badly.  Never, ever call Miss Suzanne "Underdog Lady," because that's what Howie called her.  She's Miss Suzanne, or she's Underdog or Shelley or Dracula, but she is NOT Underdog Lady.

Hats off to Miss Suzanne, and to my local friends who are on the spectrum (I've got a handful).  I love y'all!



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