Frequent flyer

Today and tomorrow are also what I like to call "tornado days," days that are anniversaries of particularly violent tornadoes (yesterday was another one, and tomorrow will be yet another), but alas, I have no hair bow for that.  Who'd want a hair bow with a tornado on it anyway???  No, today calls for my Pac-Man bow.

I have matching earrings that accompany this bow, but today I chose these instead.

I shouldn't joke about popping pills since I know firsthand how easy it can be to get hooked.  Granted, I did NOT get hooked on hydrocodone...but I very nearly did.  When I broke my ankle in 2011 the doctors gave me a bottle of hydros and told me to take 'em as needed. evening I popped a hydro for the sheer pleasure of it!  That stuff makes you feel great at first; I felt kinda warm and fuzzy, and then dreamy.  But I figure that after abusing the stuff it doesn't feel so great.  I didn't get that far; when I realized I'd grown fond of those pills I handed the bottle to Mama and said "Give me one a day, no matter how much I beg!  I took one for the fun of it!"  Mama held on to the pills, my pain wore off, and...I don't know whatever happened to them, but I didn't take 'em all.

That said, Pac-Man is a fantasy and I can thus make all the jokes about him popping pills that I like!  I reckon it's not easy dodging four goofy ghosts in a maze, after all.  And when used responsibly pills are great!  You won't catch me dead facing a migraine without good ol' Excedrin.  



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