
Showing posts from April, 2024

Day of the Child

I prefer my children fricasseed.  LOL, it's Day of the Child, which I guess means my biggest, goofiest bow.  I last wore this one on April 13th of last year . Also one of my heaviest.  This bow is NOT a frequent flier as a result, though it IS cute and well-made.  But yeah, my mom had it out with a pair of children and their Karen mother yesterday, so children are not high on my nice list right now.  Yeah, yeah, I know there's lots of good kids out there, but I'd prefer that they be good over there while I sit here. Love (I guess), RagingMoon1987

Curse of the Bambino

I haven't worn the baseball bow this season, so here's our old friend from kraftyelves . For the record, today is Babe Ruth Day.  Being a Cardinals fan I'm more into Stan Musial and Ozzie Smith, but I won't knock the Bambino.  Well, maybe I will, since the scoundrel couldn't keep his pants on.  I don't harbor a boatload of respect for folks who cheat on their spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends. Baseball can be a superstitious sport, and one of those superstitions related to Mr. Man-Whore Ruth.  The two that I can think of are the Curse of the Bambino (bestowed on the Red Sox by fans of the man-whore) and the Curse of the Billy Goat (placed on the Cubs by a local tavern owner).  Both the Curse of the Bambino and the Curse of the Billy Goat have since been broken.  The Sox broke their curse in my beloved Cardinals, no less.  Their drought...actually began a year before the supposed begin of the curse, in 1919.  Since then they've won one othe...

It's Pretzel Day again!

LOL, I went through quite the song and dance to get this bow , but I'd happily shop at that Etsy shop again.  Etsy shop is BowtifulDreamer . Pretzels often go well with beer, so the beer earrings are also making a comeback. The last time I drank beer it made me violently ill (I solemnly swear on a stack of Bibles that I only drank one), so I won't be downing any booze anytime soon.  That headache was awful; my temples pounded like my brain was going to come out.  Then came the nausea, which built and built until I threw up EVERYTHING I'd eaten that day.  The headache subsided...then came back...then subsided...then came back...until I finally said "Forget it" and hit the sack way earlier than I usually do on a Saturday night.  Sleep did a world of good, but I won't be drinking beer for a long time. Pretzels, on the other hand...well, soft pretzels and Snyder's of Hanover pretzel bits are my vice.  Cheese-flavored, mustard-flavored, Buffalo-flavored, brown ...

For the crayons

It's National Crayola Day!  I've got the bow... ...and the baubles.  Blue baubles, to be exact, because they match my jeans and my eyes and the necklace I wear every day. Plain old green has always been my favorite crayon, with Cerulean , Razzmatazz , and Dandelion getting Honorable mention.  It's interesting that what I used to call plain old "green" is called Forest Green by the website I'm using.  Ordinary green is a semi-blinding green screen shade .  Anyway, Razzmatazz was a bright, happy color with a name that made me giggle, while Cerulean was calm and chill with a name that I needed help pronouncing.  I always loved pairing the two when drawing.  Dandelion was a word that my child's mind could read without help, and the crayon did indeed look like my favorite flower.  I'm still not over the fact that Crayola discontinued the Dandelion crayon, by the way.  I like its replacement, a lovely deep blue shade called  Bluetiful , but ...

My all-time favorite fabric

I may as well be honest:  I've spoken before of my fondness for velvet and for corduroy, but my all-time favorite fabric would have to be denim.  Simple, hardworking, versatile denim.  Etsy shop is the much-loved, now-defunct AdorasBowStore.  I last wore this one on July 20th . Denim is the workhorse of the fabric family.  It can be tough or it can be dressy, it can be an accent to an outfit or the whole outfit, it can be dark or light, anything goes.  In the matter of this bow, Adora chose to jazz up the denim a bit with white thread and pink grosgrain in three patterns (paisley, gingham, and solid).  I love it. As for me, my usual attire is blue jeans and a brightly colored T-shirt, so I WOULD like denim.  I'm most comfortable in jeans, and I can write on them if I want, or tear out the side seams and make bell bottoms.  So it's all good. Blue love, RagingMoon1987


Passover actually began yesterday, but as y'all know I'm off on Monday's.  Also as y'all know, I love Jewish holidays.  This little bow came from ClamsAndaHamDog .  Clams is sadly closed now, but the link isn't dead yet so I sometimes check on them to see if they've opened back up.  Sometimes Etsy shops do that. Last Hanukkah I talked about a group of friends I've got that celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christmas.  Well!  It turns out that Passover is celebrated here in the sticks too!  My mother taught for a few years at a local private Catholic school, and on the first day of Passover they'd have a seder.  It was...mostly the same as the Jewish seder.  We didn't sit in a reclining position the way some practitioners do, but the youngest children asked the required questions, and we ate the necessary things, horseradish and all.  Thank God, the Karpas that we ate was parsley; if it had been celery I'd have barfed.  I hate celery, a...

Another pineapple bow

It's 4/20 Day, but blah-blah-blah, I said that last year.  It's also National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day again, so I'll...actually, I can't remember if I've ever worn this one. Certainly is a busy little number, isn't it!  Kinda reminds me of Lady G, a Tonner doll that one of my favorite doll bloggers reviewed many years ago .  She had a short but busy skirt that incorporated stripes and polka dots and just about everything. There are times when I tell Mama, "Oh, you know my taste:  tacky!"  LOL, she swears up and down that my bow today isn't tacky, but I'm not convinced.  Oh well, I like stuff tacky sometimes; that's what makes it fun!  As for pineapple...hmmm, I think I've told y'all of my love-hate relationship with it.  I love it fresh thanks to my sister cramming a wedge of it in my mouth, but the canned stuff?  Forget it!  Despite my ambiguous feelings towards the fruit, I love wearing it as a hair bow or as a jewelry item...

A holiday with my name all over it!

Apparently the third Friday in April is Blue and Green Day.  My two favorite colors!  Etsy shop is TopNotchCheerBows . With it being so close to Earth Day I suspect that the blue and green is supposed to signify the environment.  I can get behind that.  I don't think going green is the way, the truth, and the life like a lot of leftists do, but I will admit that taking care of the planet is important.  We've got a lot of cool stuff living on Earth with us, and if we humans aren't careful a lot of it could go extinct.  My favorite at-risk creatures are South China tigers, golden lion tamarins, and poison dart frogs.  South China tigers are extinct in the wild, but the Chinese aren't giving up on saving them.  South China tigers are wicked beautiful , by the way. On the other hand, my college biology professor (the one who declared bats glorious) opined that we're in the middle of a mass extinction as it is, nothing could've stopped it, and nothing ...

The return of the puzzle piece bow

Adult Autism Awareness Day is today, and their symbol is the puzzle piece, just like it is for autistic children. I kinda think that we're ALL on the spectrum to some extent.  Indeed, I think a touch of autism may run in my mother's side of the family.  My great aunt was a carefully organized hoarder, left the heat on in summertime, and had NO FILTER!  If you'd put on weight, she'd let you know.  If you were slouching, she'd poke you in the back and make you stand up straight.  She didn't do it to be ugly, not really.  She was just...VERY concerned about us looking like we were worth something.  I too am eccentric, but...I think I'm just eccentric. Speaking of eccentrics, one of my favorite people, Suzanne "Underdog" Muldowney," legit IS on the autism spectrum.  This is her now; in her youth she was quite pretty. Speed of lightning!  Roar of thunder!  Fighting all who rob or plunder!  Ahem...Miss Suzanne has Asperger's syndrome, whi...

Bats are glorious!

Today is International Bat Appreciation Day, and I happen to be VERY fond of bats.  Y'all know what that means.  Etsy shop is LavAveHandmade . When I was in college I had a professor who declared anything he liked to be "glorious."  One day we were out in the woods measuring...jeez, I don't remember what, but up on one of the trees there was a wooden house that was definitely not a birdhouse.  I had an idea about what it was, but I asked anyway and Dr. S replied "Oh, that's a bat box.  We're researching bats."  "Ewwww, I don't like bats," another student grimaced.  "Bats are glorious!" Dr. S exclaimed, and I agreed with a big smile. Yeah, I've always liked bats.  Having grown up in the country with plenty of mosquitoes and fruit trees meant that the bats were and still are thick during the warm months.  They were your usual little brown bats (the sparrow of the bat family), with a few big brown bats mixed in, and undoubted...

Another post about elephants

Another repeat; this one dates back to August 12th , when it was hotter than a biatch outside.  Today is Save the Elephant Day. Yes, in this day and age elephants still need saving.  There are numpties in this world that still want those tusks...and as far as I know, nothing else.  That's too bad, because I bet y'all elephant meat is delicious.  Daddy said the elephant he met was all muscle, so that can only mean that it's good, lean meat.  I mean, if you're gonna kill an elephant for its tusks, at least eat the rest of it! LOL, this is supposed to be Save the Elephant Day, not Eat the Elephant Day!  As I've said before, my father loved elephants and I don't blame him.  Like a great many of my favorite animals, there's nothing quite like the elephant.  They're so smart!  One wouldn't think that a clumsy land animal like that would be so intelligent, but scientists think that elephants are somewhat aware of their individuality.  I forget ...

Who needs it???

Last Saturday was International Asexuality Day, so I'm trotting out my pride bow . Medium-sized and to the point, LOL!  Normally I don't go so hot and heavy with the pride crap, but I got two new buttons in the mail yesterday.  Y'all may or may not remember that I like frogs...and stars. I try to go subtle.  Mama says that sexual orientation is no one's business, and she's pretty much right, but...well, I want folks to know where I stand without having to yell it at 'em.  That said...I wish asexuals had gotten the green stripe, LOL.  Alas, green is for aromantics, and that's definitely not me.  I say I hate romance, but in reality I just hate sappy romance novels.  Romance to me is my mom and dad enjoying a single kiss on a Sunday morning, both dressed in their best.  Daddy telling Mama "You look nice," before kissing her, and Mama replying "Well you taste nice" AFTER the kiss!  True story, by the way.  We were getting ready for church a...

Wear a star

I had any number of star bows to pick from, but I chose to go with an old favorite. It's Wear a Star Day .  Wear a Star Day pays tribute to the little ones in this world who died young, and to those who remain behind.  Children like Norma DiSandro , like Annistyn Rackley , like John Jajkowski , like...I'll just call them Baby M and Baby S, since I want to respect my friend's privacy.  Baby M and Baby S were sisters, daughters of an ex-schoolmate and her husband.  Baby M was premature, fought hard, and didn't make it.  Baby S was born without kidneys, fought hard, and didn't make it.  I have tremendous respect for their mother; I know darn good and well that she misses her girls, but she's kept on living, being a good mama to her little boy (who is a doll, by the way). If you're a parent and you're blessed enuff to have your kids in your life, hug 'em today and give thanks.  If you've lost a child, all I can say is I'm sorry.  You're in my...

Return of another favorite

Crap shoot day equals bow picked at random.  This one hasn't seen the light of day since last July ! It's kinda hard to go wrong with a bow that has this many colors on it.  Plus, this one is one that Mama surprised me with, so it's extra special.  Etsy shop is the defunct AdoraBowsStore. As doldrumy as the weather has been lately something bright is pretty fitting.  Monday was the only nice day we had this week, which suited me just fine since that was Eclipse Day.  Since then it's been a long void of clouds, wind, and rain, but that suits me just fine too because I love clouds and rain. That's all, y'all!  Not much to say today! Love, RagingMoon1987

Frequent flyer

Today and tomorrow are also what I like to call "tornado days," days that are anniversaries of particularly violent tornadoes (yesterday was another one , and tomorrow will be yet another ), but alas, I have no hair bow for that.  Who'd want a hair bow with a tornado on it anyway???  No, today calls for my Pac-Man bow. I have matching earrings that accompany this bow, but today I chose these instead. I shouldn't joke about popping pills since I know firsthand how easy it can be to get hooked.  Granted, I did NOT get hooked on hydrocodone...but I very nearly did.  When I broke my ankle in 2011 the doctors gave me a bottle of hydros and told me to take 'em as needed. evening I popped a hydro for the sheer pleasure of it!  That stuff makes you feel great at first; I felt kinda warm and fuzzy, and then dreamy.  But I figure that after abusing the stuff it doesn't feel so great.  I didn't get that far; when I realized I'd grown fond of tho...

Unicorn Day has come again

Y'all know what it means when it's Unicorn Day! Every new wave of JoJo Bows I see has at least one bow spangled with either unicorns, rainbows, or hearts.  Or stars; she likes those too.  NBD, I s'pose, for I too like unicorns, rainbows, hearts, and stars. As to the eclipse yesterday, the only way I can describe it was "spectacular."  I met some folks with the right equipment and had a wonderful experience.  The full story can be found on my doll blog . Hugs and unicorns,  RagingMoon1987 

Everything under the sun is in tune...

...but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.  Yep, today's the day!  I'm supposed to be off on Mondays, but I fell ill on Saturday and Mama and I traded days.  Since it is Eclipse Day I opted for my big sunflower. A friend told Mama on Saturday that his sister was throwing a "sunflower party" during the eclipse.  When asked why he replied that during totality the sun looks like a sunflower, complete with petals.  The petals, of course, are the sun's corona and prominences, which I'm hoping to see today.  It's supposed to be partly cloudy today, so we'll see. Whatever happens, I'll update it on my doll blog later. Sunny love,  RagingMoon1987 

I'll take "Dandelions" for 300, Alex

Today is National Dandelion Day.  Etsy shop is MaddieGsBoutique18 . My love for dandelions goes back a looooong way.  Ever since I was a toddler I loved the sunshine-colored flowers and the fluffy white seed heads.  I'd gather bouquets of the blossoms and give them to my parents, my teachers, my friends.  I'd blow the fluff off the seed heads and make wishes.  I'd use the stems as microphones and pretend to be Bob Barker or someone like that.  Now I'm a hair past pretending to be the dearly departed Bob Barker, but dandelions continue to be useful.  In this increasingly nutty day and age my mother has become something of a prepper, and I in tern am trying to learn what plants might be of use if the grid does crash.  What's good for asthma?  Anise can help.  For anxiety?  Our old buddy chamomile, which is good in tea.  For a nasty cold?  Well...nothing can CURE that, but I'm told that ginger can help.  What can be eate...

Missouri's Roswell

Today I thought it might be fun to discuss UFOs.  I don't know if any UFOs actually carry little green men with big eyes, but...well, y'never know.  Etsy shop is the one and only AbbeysAlley . Most people I know are aware of Roswell, New Mexico and the mysteries surrounding Area 51, regardless of whether they believe in aliens or not.  My sister hypothesizes that the government is working on biological warfare stuff out there, and her reasons for believing that are pretty good, but I digress.  Not everyone knows that my home state of Missouri has had a few Roswell-type events of its own.  There was an unusual event in Cape Girardeau, clean back in July of 1941.  This was before the U.S. entered WWII, but that likelihood was increasing by July and thus there were a lot of airplanes coming and going around Cape.  The public was told that the event in question was a plane crash, but the sole civilian that was called there saw something completely dif...

I can sing a rainbow

Well, actually, no I can't.  I used to love to sing, but now I can't sing worth a dern so I don't bother unless I'm alone.  Anyway, today is Find a Rainbow Day.  It's also April Sunsplash's birthday, and that would normally mean me wearing my bow with her on it , but that darn thing is heavy!  This one is not.  StarchasersUK supplied this one. I find it ironic that Find a Rainbow Day is the anniversary of one of the U.S.'s worst tornado outbreaks.  The incident in 1974 was the biggest single-day tornado outbreak on record ...until 2011 came along , that is.  But I'm not gonna delve into yet another discussion about tornadoes, not when this bow is so cute!  I went through a very brief kawaii period during...oh, I'll say spring of 2021, right at the beginning of my hair bow obsession, and that led to...well, the purchase of a few things.  I've got a necklace with a macaron on it (somewhere), and this stupid thing.  That's a Kewpie face, i...

Lavender's blue

I never did understand where the author of that nursery rhyme got the idea that lavender is blue.  Lavender is...well, lavender!  It made for a helluva song , though.  Despite the beauty of the color I rarely see lavender hair bows, so when I saw this dandy I snapped it up. Lavender, daisies, and BUTTERFLIES!!!  What's not to like? No, I went through my boxes during the weekend, and most of the lavender bows I've got are actually lavender mixed with other colors (examples here and here ).  I also have my pom pom bow, which I trot out when I'm missing my sister a lot (posts here and here ).  Most of my other purple bows are deep purple, like the band .  Lavender is not a common color in my bow box though, and that's a shame because I love lavender.  Lavender love, RagingMoon1987