In a normal year...
In a normal year this would be the last day of February, but this year is not a normal year. February's birthstone is the amethyst, so I opted for my beloved purple pom-pom bow. Etsy shop is one of my favorites, Tulazohairbows.
I've shown this one twice here, I b', only once, apparently. I last wore this bow on September 9th in honor of my sister's birthday. But let's face it, purple is awesome (or I think it is), and like green I don't need a reason to wear purple. I used to tease the bejesus out of my sister about purple being ugly, and she gave as good as she took, but it was all just us being ornery. I always think of my sister when I wear purple.
It should probably be no surprise, therefore, that I like amethyst. None of my immediate family were born in February so no one wore the lovely purple stone in their earlobes or on their fingers, but that won't stop me, LOL. Seriously, I wear a sapphire on my ring finger, even though my birthstone is the opal.
Purple love,
It should probably be no surprise, therefore, that I like amethyst. None of my immediate family were born in February so no one wore the lovely purple stone in their earlobes or on their fingers, but that won't stop me, LOL. Seriously, I wear a sapphire on my ring finger, even though my birthstone is the opal.
Purple love,
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