I never need an excuse to wear green
No, I never need a reason, but green is for gallbladder cancer (and likely gallbladder health in general), and today is World Cholangiocarcinoma Day.
My mother had her gallbladder removed two and a half years ago, and let me tell y'all, that was one hellish summer. I had to take care of my own house, my mother's house, my mother, AND work, and I was so run-down that a very sick patron asked me if I was alright. Yep, y'all read that right. The patron (one of my favorites) was herself very ill, and she asked me if I was alright. Indeed, that patron died recently, probably of lung fibroids. If her lungs weren't giving her fits her liver was, so it was just a matter of time before one of 'em got her, but I still miss that patron. Anyway, Mama had a terrible summer that year due to her gallbladder, but she survived and will thus never have to worry about cholangiocarcinoma. But I DO have a gallbladder still. Thankfully, cholangiocarcinoma is rare, though it does happen and does deserve awareness and research. All cancers do. So be diligent about your health!
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