The shortest day

The days are short
The sun a spark
Hung thin between
The dark and the dark

--John Updike, "January"

I know January is still a couple'a weeks away, but with it being the winter solstice I felt it fitting.  To commemorate I present another Frozen bow.
As winters go this one has been a mild one so far, but then again it's just getting started!  In December of 2021 it never did get truly cold, and we had hail and tornadoes.  Then last December one of Mama's pipes froze and exploded, so the month truly is a mixed bag for the Bootheel.  Usually it's predictable, but in recent years, not so much.  January is fast becoming much of the same; usually it's windy and cold, but in the past the month has also brought my neck of the woods tornadoes galore.  As much as I hate winter I'd prefer for this part of the year to be more...well, wintry!  March and April can have the tornadoes, thank you!

But then again I'd prefer not to have snow up to my neck either, as I unusually have to find a way to get to work even if the parking lot is iced over.  Not fun, but Mama and I usually make it work.  There was a time when we got to the entrance of the library's parking lot and got caught in a snowdrift, but usually we can get in.  And usually when the weather is like that we have exactly one patron:  idiotic Uncle Man-Child, who loves snow and always wants it "up to the adenoids" every year.  Funny thing, that same time that we got caught in the snowdrift, he was slipping on a patch of ice and busting his rear.  He called up looking for sympathy and promptly got told "It serves you right, Mr. Up-to-the-Adenoids!"

2009 was the last time we had a violent winter storm.  I was at college then, and my sister said it was "a real trip."  She said the most surreal thing was after the power came back on, and the local news listed schools as being "closed indefinitely."  Malden was a disaster area in that storm, by the way.  I hope we don't have a repeat for a long, long, LONG time.

Icy love,


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