Shopping season

Yep, it's that time!  Granted, most of the shopping should be winding down since Christmas is literally just around the corner.  This bow is a repeat.
I'm now convinced that no subject is too outlandish for a cheer bow.  If It and Doctor Who can be immortalized as cheer bows, I s'pose Amazon can be too.

Truth be told, I've never bought from Amazon!  I do love to browse there, but I've never bought...unless the Fidgie Friend I got yesterday came from there.  I bought a couple'a Fidgie Friends off eBay, but Fairie Garden arrived in an Amazon shipper, and her return address was the local Amazon hub so I guess that's where the seller got her.  Oh yes, buying up stock and selling it at a ridiculously jacked-up price!  That's real nice...except I didn't buy Fairie for a ridiculously jacked-up price.  The seller listed the price that Wal-Mart lists, so I dunno.

Yeah, I've bought myself Christmas gifts this year.  Not gonna lie.  I got two of 'em.

Happy shopping,


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