One of my other favorite fabrics

The other day I discussed corduroy, and today Imma discuss one of my other favorite fabrics.
My reasons for loving velvet are the same as my reasons for loving corduroy:  it's soft and shiny and warm, and it can be utilized a lot of different ways.  Two of my favorite dresses growing up were velvet, both handmade by the same wonderful woman.  The first was this knee-length job with a wide lace collar, and the velvet was this beautiful blue shade like the dress Felicity Merriman wore during her Christmas story.
Only difference is that Felicity's dress was and is taffeta.  But the color was the same.  I wore that dress to the school's winter concert that year, and as we were all letting out, looking for our parents, I ran into a little kid that was about five (I was eleven).  She had a Dalmatian-spotted coat made of fake fur, and we both stood for a few seconds feeling the softness of each other's clothes.  

The other dress was the same color as the bow I'm wearing today, dark green.  It was the last dress our friend made for me, as her eyesight was getting bad and the price of cloth was going up.  My dress was an A-line dress with an empire waist, short sleeves, and no lace or frills of any sort, "perfect for a preteen," as Mama put it.  I wore that to the spring concert when I was twelve, and before I knew it I'd outgrown it!  I was *NOT* happy about that! goes on, and I've got a bow to remind me of that lovely, simple dress.

Smooth sailing,


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