I pledge allegiance...

Today is, among other things, Pledge of Allegiance Day.  So I trotted out my favorite patriotic hair bow.
<places hand over heart>
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation UNDER GOD,
with liberty and justice for all.

The Catholic school where Mama worked added "for the born and the unborn" to the end.

Interestingly, the Pledge initially included a salute to the flag, one that looked hauntingly like the Nazi salute.  This salute was called the "Bellamy salute," after Francis Bellamy (no relation to handsome Matt Bellamy), who invented both the salute and the Pledge.
Needless to say, said salute is not done anymore.  A simple hand over the heart was enforced during WWII, and the Bellamy Salute went the way of the dodo.

Today a number of schools add other pledges in addition to (or flat-out in place of) the Pledge of Allegiance.  When I was a grade schooler I had to hold my hand up palm out and recite this stupid "fight-free" pledge.  I blame that "fight-free" program for raising me to be a namby-pamby who cried when she got picked on; in my daddy's day if someone picked on you you slugged 'em, you got a paddling, and that was the end of it.  But in my day they picked on you and could get away with it, but if you retaliated physically you were the one in trouble and the class treated you as a pariah for awhile.  And no, the teacher's solution to "just ignore it" doesn't work, dammit!  Thank God that fight-free crap went the way of the dodo too; my sixth-grade teacher pulled her flag down and said "Enuff of that crap."  Malden schools have some other pledge that they recite after the Pledge of Allegiance that's just as pukey, but the kids seem to like it so I won't complain.  Plaza Towers Elementary (Moore, Oklahoma) is another school with a pledge (or students' creed, as they call it):

I am a proud Plaza Tower Panther.
I am a capable and dependable student, full of possibilities and potential.
I choose to think before I act, using good judgement.
I accept the responsibilities for my actions.
I do not have the right to interfere with the learning or well-being of others.
My destiny is in my hands.
I am one in a million and proud of it.
I am a proud Plaza Tower Panther, YEAH!!!

On May 20th, 2013 their destiny was in God's hands, and seven of 'em truly became one in a million.  The residents of Moore, Oklahoma are tough as nails, and they have my undying respect.

Much love,


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