Getting ready
Today's bow is a turkey bow, one that came in the Right Box. Shop was AdoraBowsStore.
As I'll elaborate on my doll blog in a few days, Thanksgiving is not the holiday for my family that it once was. Indeed, this year I'd prefer to have a pot of spaghetti and be done with it. Mama is good company, but when you're with someone every day you run out of things to talk about after awhile. And Uncle Man-Child is NOT good company. So I'll load up a few books and my favorite American Girl doll, and while that man-thing talks about himself all the livelong day I'll read and take pictures...after I'm done helping with meal prep, that is. We're not gonna do the full turkey thing since there's only three of us, but Mama will still need my help. I'm usually the "gopher," LOL. Go for this, go for that, etc. I don't mind that, though...unless I'm reaching for something just out of my grasp and do a face plant, like I almost did a few weeks ago. Mama had sent me to the back bedroom to find shelly beans (we keep our "prepper" crap in the back bedroom). The overhead light has a short in it, the supplies are poorly organized, and long story short I did a pratfall right onto a huge cannister of water. I found the stupid beans (I loathe shelly beans), but it took forever and a day to get on my feet again.
Oh, and get this: Mama said that if she had room she'd put the Christmas tree up. That too would be a task for Mama and me, with Uncle Man-Child again sitting on his beam end and being verbally obnoxious. I love Christmas trees and I have many happy memories of decorating Christmas trees, but one big tree for three people seems kinda pointless. Hell, it would be pointless even if Sister and Brother-in-Law came home, because Sister doesn't care one way or the other about Christmas trees.
Sigh...I hope I'll be in a better mood soon.
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