Celebrating the beloved teddy bear

Today is National Pickle Day, National Guacamole Day, and National Spicy Guacamole Day.  I like guacamole and I like pickles, but I LOVE teddy bears.  It's also National American Teddy Bear Day.  Etsy shop is RoxysBowtiqueShop.
September 9th is also Teddy Bear Day.  I wonder what the difference is between National Teddy Bear Day and National American Teddy Bear Day?  Oh well, I always wear purple on September 9th anyway, and who needs a reason or a special day to celebrate teddy bears?  But yeah, I've told my mother on more than one occasion that if I didn't collect dolls I would collect teddy bears instead.  My bosses said I couldn't have dolls at my work station, but they said absolutely nothing about teddy bears so I have a few small ones.  These are all Boyd's teddy bears, though the two little ones remind me of Ty Warner's Teddy variants (there were twelve of those, two face shapes and six colors for each face shape).  I had intended these bears as props for my American Girls, but...well, we see how well that went.  I've also got an elephant in the mix, one of those Pop Art Soft blind bags.
Oh yeah, and Pete the Cat.  Mama got him for me.
It was funny:  when I received the package with Pete in it, I palpated it and said "That feels like a stuffed animal."  "Oh, you're good," Mama said.  A stuffed animal it was, and Pete the Cat now proudly decorates my station at work.

I had a lot of stuffed animals growing up, including many teddy bears, but my favorite stuffed animal was actually a mouse.  His name, unoriginally, is "Mouse," though my toddler mouth could only say "Mau."  Mau and I were great friends for many a year, and I still have him tucked away somewhere, along with several other childhood favorites.  I took him to at least one professional photo shoot, and I'm holding him in one set of pictures that always made Daddy cringe.  Grandpa was behind the camera that day, and I was smiling and looking revoltingly adorable, but in at least one image in that set of pictures I was holding Mau with one arm and rubbing my ear with the other hand.  Not long after that I was sick with a mondo ear infection.  Daddy always associated those pictures with me being sick, and even though they came out cute he never liked 'em.  But Mau was there, right by my side while I convalesced.  Daddy even got him a friend, a little yellow duck that is also packed away with my special ones.  Hickory Dickory Duck, as I called him, became Mau's best friend, and if Mau wasn't with me he was hanging out with Hick, Lamb Chop, and my Cabbage Patch Kid, safe on my bed.

My friendship with Mau extended into my school years, enuff so that I took him to school for my first Stuffed Animal Day (part of Spirit Week).  For some reason, one of the teachers pulled about five of us out of class that day, stood us in front of her, and had us name our animals.  She then asked to give them a hug.  The first little boy had Snoopy, and he didn't want her to take him, LOL!  I had no issue with Mau receiving a hug.  My conversation with the teacher went something like this; by then I could say the word "Mouse" properly:

TEACHER:  And what is your stuffed animal's name?
ME:  Mouse.
TEACHER <smiling>:  Just "Mouse"?
ME:  Mmmm-hmmm.
TEACHER:  Can I give Mouse a hug?
ME:  Yes.  <hands Mouse over>

Now I turn to y'all, my dear readers.  Did any of y'all have a childhood stuffed animal or doll that you loved more than the others?  Discuss.

Fuzzy love,


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