International Sloth Day

Y'all know what that means!
I think I've worn and shown this bow before (shop name is CherylsBowtasticBows), but it's one of my favorites because SLOTHS, that's why!  I don't think I ever showed y'all my earrings, though.
Those also came from Etsy (shop name is JMDesignsbyUS), and they're made of wood.  JMDesigns is located in Sedalia, so usually when I order from them I get my item(s) toot sweet.  I never have been to Sedalia, by the way.  They seem to be a tornado magnet, having been hit in 1952, 1973, 1977, and 1980, so maybe I'd best NOT go.  The tornado in 1952 hit the Missouri State Fair, by the way.  Normally it's a bad thing for a tornado to hit during the night, but in that case it was a very good thing, as the fairgrounds were fairly empty.  Indeed, the only fatality in the 1952 storm was in a mobile home, not on the fairgrounds.  But enuff of that; this is supposed to be about sloths, not tornadoes!  If you've read my doll blog thoroughly then you may know that I'm a tornado buff, and once I get started on the subject I have a hard time stopping.  But to get back on track, here's an old picture of one of my American Girl dolls with her "pet" sloth.
For my non-American Girl fans out there, the doll's name is Kailey Hopkins, one of the yearly limited edition dolls, and the sloth is part of another yearly limited collectionSloths do not make good pets, so I pretend that Kailey volunteers at an animal rehab center instead.  Granted, here in Missouri Kailey wouldn't be helping rehab sloths, but in Central and South America sloths turn up at wildlife sanctuaries quite a bit.  Coyote Peterson has two videos of such rescues, one with just a two-toed sloth like Kailey's got, and the other with both a two-toed sloth and a three-toed sloth.  If you don't want to click on the links (or if you're at work and CAN'T), here's a real three-toed sloth, the one with the bandit mask.  Two-toed sloths are lighter in color.
Since I fancy more dollies, here's my newest Cabbage Patch Kid.  When's the last time y'all saw a doll dressed as a sloth???  Kailey HAS a sloth, but Sammy IS a sloth...sort of.
Cabbage Patch homely and so adorable at the same time!

It's hard to believe that in prehistoric days sloths were these huge land creatures that were regularly preyed upon by saber-toothed tigers and other large land predators.  Or at least scientists think saber-toothed tigers ate ground sloths; both have been found in the La Brea tar pits, and the fossils were around the same age.  Scientists conjecture that tiger chased sloth into what looked like water, and both got trapped in the tar and subsequently died.  But anyway, the descendants of those huge land critters are now tree-dwelling animals that are about the size of a large house cat.  Pretty cool.

Happy International Sloth Day,


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