Back the blue

Today is, among other things, National Thank a Police Officer Day.  Etsy shop is CheerBOWSIowa.
Yeah, there are bad coppers out there, but there are also plenty of good ones.  I've always considered my hometown blessed to have some wonderful, helpful men and women on the beat.  LOL, indeed, I wouldn't want to monkey with our female police officer; she's willowy and well-dressed, but she's also tall and muscular.  She was one of the ones who helped Mama and me get out of a snowdrift when we tried to get to work one day.

I like the sentiment and the aesthetic of this bow, but it's not one of my favorites.  The glitter is very rough and it pulls my hair.  The material itself is very stiff and doesn't lay flat against my head, and if it gets bent in a place that I don't want it to bend, it tends to stay bent.  But as I said it's got a good message.  And yes, before anyone gets all bent out of shape, I also have a BLM bow that I'll be trotting out in February.

Back the blue,


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