International Lace Day

A fabric that I love but rarely get to wear. Now I get a chance. This one came from VeryShine , and is the bow that was accompanied by the button I wore yesterday. I always like it when Etsy sellers include little freebies; ball-jointed doll companies often do that too, but I get why THEY do it. My cheapest ball-jointed doll cost a hundred thirty bucks, and she came with a free pair of shoes and some candy for me. I don't know this for certain, but I figure the company's mindset might be "These folks are spending a ton of money, let's include a nice little incentive to make them happy and maybe draw 'em in again." Either that or they do it just for the helluvit, like I did when a friend of mine commissioned a Barbie doll dress. She insisted on paying me, so I threw in a necklace to say "thanks." Either way I like it when Etsy companies do this. Now, the bow itself. The lace is cotton eyelet and has a nice drape to it. It would look n...