My sister actually began her job at University of Arkansas last month, but classes there begin the coming Monday, so...
...a Razorback bow! My family has never been a group of Razorback fans, but I guess we'll have to change our tune.
Sister is excited, because she prefers research to teaching, and at University of Arkansas she'll be able to do research. I'm not at liberty to say what she's researching, but it's interesting. Brother-in-Law is happy too, as he's already got a bunch of job offers and they're all decent jobs. Louise, their cat, is happy...well, as happy as Louise can be. She's got a 'tude.
Sister is excited, because she prefers research to teaching, and at University of Arkansas she'll be able to do research. I'm not at liberty to say what she's researching, but it's interesting. Brother-in-Law is happy too, as he's already got a bunch of job offers and they're all decent jobs. Louise, their cat, is happy...well, as happy as Louise can be. She's got a 'tude.
Louise is a special needs cat, and she only loves Sister and Brother-in-Law (particularly BiL). Moving houses is hard for any critter, and Louise REALLY hates it (particularly if it's a long ride), but once she's settled in she's a happy puddy tat. Until Sister starts tickling her, that is; Sister loves animals, but she does like to tease. But anyway, for now they're all happy and settled in, and Mama and I are praying this will be their long-term home, maybe even their permanent one. We're also praying that the tornadoes will stay away; the western sides of Arkansas and Missouri are solidly in Tornado Alley, and Fayetteville is in western Arkansas. Prayers and preparation are key, I s'pose. Sister grew up reading many of the same books that I read, and watching many of the same TV programs that I watched, so she knows what to do if a tornado comes to call. Luckily for us August isn't usually tornado season. USUALLY...
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