I want it!

Nothing super-special today, except that the song "Magic Bus" is now fifty-five years old.
My mom was never a Who fan, but she reserves a special vitriol for "Magic Bus."  The repeated chorus of "I want it, I want it" drives her nuts.  I'll admit that it's not my favorite Who song either (that title would go...oh gosh, I guess it would go to "Bell Boy"), but it got heavy rotation on my late, great iPod.  But then again, every Who song I put on my late, great iPod got heavy rotation, LOL.  It got to the point where if I shook my device to get a random song it was either "Who Are You" or my favorite Moody Blues song, "Steppin' in a Slide Zone."  Pretty bad when your iPod knows you that well.

Love and music,


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