Why do Daleks have a day of their own??? Indeed, according to my favorite holiday website these inverted trash cans with eyestalks get TWO days, the next one being in December. Either way, I've got the bow.
For the uninitiated, Daleks are the bane of Doctor Who's existence. They are essentially these slimy looking little beings that live inside the armored trash can pictured on my bow. They are very dangerous, and since they're based off the Nazis they're also ruthless. Despite the danger that Daleks present to...well, everything that lives and breathes, the Doctor regards them with contempt rather than fear. Indeed, the Doctor turned the tables on the Daleks at least once when the Ninth Doctor subjected one Dalek to a nasty torture session...with a smile on his face, no less! WhoCulture listed that stunt as one of the worst things the Doctor ever did, but considering what the Daleks did to the Doctor's home planet...well, can you blame him for wanting revenge??? That Dalek had better thank whatever deity it worships that I wasn't the Doctor! It wouldn't have made it out of the torture session alive.
Etsy shop was called GrimandProperDesigns, and they're sadly closed now so I'm glad I got this bow when I did. The other bow I bought from there has the TARDIS on it; eventually it'll make an appearance here as well.
Never eat pears,
Never eat pears,
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