'Til the cows come home
Today is Chick-fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day, and y'all know what that means! Pity that the nearest Chick-fil-A is eighty miles away. Etsy shop is LittleBowsJust4you.
Ah, Chick-fil-A, going strong despite controversy! I like the place myself, but at the end of the day it's really just another fast food joint, albeit one with an amusing memory attached to it. Doesn't EVERYTHING in my life have a story??? Anyway, this one begins the summer before Sister and Brother-in-Law became engaged. Pert near ten years ago, in other words. Sister's apartment was in a dangerous area, Brother-in-Law's apartment was out of Cape Girardeau's city limits by quite a hair, and the rent for both was ridiculous. Thus Sister and BIL were moving into a safer apartment that was right across the street from SEMO campus. One wicked hot day I volunteered to help do some moving, mayhem ensued, and by the end of the day we were all tired and wanting something to eat. As we drove down Cape's main east-west highway I suggested a few places to eat, but my sister wasn't thrilled with the options I presented. The conversation went as follows:
ME: How 'bout <insert fast food joint name; I was trying to save money>
SISTER (volume turned up to eleven): EVERYTHING YOU WANT'S FAST FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
ME (feeling defeated, whining a little): You said cheeeeeaaap!
SISTER (quietly): Oh, yeah...<pauses, then raises her volume again> HEY, THERE'S CHICK-FIL-A!!! WANNA GO TO CHICK-FIL-A??? SARAH'S NEVER BEEN!!!
BROTHER-IN-LAW (Dumbledore-level calmness): Alright, we'll go to Chick-fil-A.
ME: <relieved silence>
LOL, my sister has a Type A personality. It explains a lot. Anyway, we went to Chick-fil-A, and in the parking lot more hilarity ensued. Two young gay men were still out picketing, long after the furor had died down, and they got a ringside seat to another of my sister's tirades:
SISTER (irritated, concerned about being late): I'd better not be pregnant! I'll get a clothes hanger and rip the little f**ker out myself!
ME (horrified, whispering): Keep your voice down! We are going into a Christian establishment!
SISTER (volume at eleven): I DON'T GIVE A F**K!!!
BROTHER-IN-LAW: <guffawing>
THE GAY GUYS: <hysterical laughter>
ME (both embarrassed and amused): <smiles at the gay guys and shrugs>
I repeat, my sister is Type A. She also is vehemently against having children, so the possibility of being pregnant was a big deal. She ended up not being pregnant, so no clothes hangers were needed (I doubt she'd have gone that far anyway), but it still made for a conversation that was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. Isn't it weird how all the funniest jokes and conversations are wrong on some level? Anyway we went into Chick-fil-A and enjoyed more banter over chicken sandwiches, waffle fries, and Coke (which I'm supposed to avoid like the plague). It was a good day out. Any day spent with my sister and her husband is a good day, largely because of my sister's salty language and wild stories! Every time she comes to visit she's got another good story, and it usually is peppered with language. When we visit her it's more of the same. Dang, I miss her! I'd hoped that when she moved back to Missouri we'd see more of her, but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! She's gotta work. A lot.
ME: How 'bout <insert fast food joint name; I was trying to save money>
SISTER (volume turned up to eleven): EVERYTHING YOU WANT'S FAST FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
ME (feeling defeated, whining a little): You said cheeeeeaaap!
SISTER (quietly): Oh, yeah...<pauses, then raises her volume again> HEY, THERE'S CHICK-FIL-A!!! WANNA GO TO CHICK-FIL-A??? SARAH'S NEVER BEEN!!!
BROTHER-IN-LAW (Dumbledore-level calmness): Alright, we'll go to Chick-fil-A.
ME: <relieved silence>
LOL, my sister has a Type A personality. It explains a lot. Anyway, we went to Chick-fil-A, and in the parking lot more hilarity ensued. Two young gay men were still out picketing, long after the furor had died down, and they got a ringside seat to another of my sister's tirades:
SISTER (irritated, concerned about being late): I'd better not be pregnant! I'll get a clothes hanger and rip the little f**ker out myself!
ME (horrified, whispering): Keep your voice down! We are going into a Christian establishment!
SISTER (volume at eleven): I DON'T GIVE A F**K!!!
BROTHER-IN-LAW: <guffawing>
THE GAY GUYS: <hysterical laughter>
ME (both embarrassed and amused): <smiles at the gay guys and shrugs>
I repeat, my sister is Type A. She also is vehemently against having children, so the possibility of being pregnant was a big deal. She ended up not being pregnant, so no clothes hangers were needed (I doubt she'd have gone that far anyway), but it still made for a conversation that was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. Isn't it weird how all the funniest jokes and conversations are wrong on some level? Anyway we went into Chick-fil-A and enjoyed more banter over chicken sandwiches, waffle fries, and Coke (which I'm supposed to avoid like the plague). It was a good day out. Any day spent with my sister and her husband is a good day, largely because of my sister's salty language and wild stories! Every time she comes to visit she's got another good story, and it usually is peppered with language. When we visit her it's more of the same. Dang, I miss her! I'd hoped that when she moved back to Missouri we'd see more of her, but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! She's gotta work. A lot.
Eat mor chikin today if you can, y'all!
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