Roses and unicorns

This one reminds me of the scene described in "Lookin' Out My Back Door."  It's got roses, plaid, unicorn profiles, AND a rainbow horn.  Now all it needs is a flying spoon.

On the other hand, this one kinda goes with everything I have!

Interesting thing about "Lookin' Out My Back Door":  it is NOT a drug song, despite the kooky lyrics.  John Fogerty was inspired by a Dr. Seuss book, one that was among the controversial six entitled To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street.  Well, well, well, all you wokies out there, put that in your bong and smoke it!  I don't know what Fogerty's opinions are on the book now, but he'd have very little room to gripe since it inspired one of Creedence Clearwater Revival's more popular songs.  Oh well, leftie or no, I love me some CCR, and I like some of Fogerty's solo stuff too.  "The Old Man Down the Road" makes me think of a very bizarre murder case here in that has not been solved and doesn't really need to be.  Read the case and you'll see what I mean.



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