Paisley, pink, and denim

Sounds like an unlikely combo, but with hair bows no combo is too outlandish.  Dig this one!

This one is another present from my mama, from AdoraBowStore...which appears to have disappeared since the last post I made about their products.  Too bad; I really loved their bows.  I guess now I can appreciate the ones I've got even more!

Ah, pink.  I have a very unusual relationship with pink.  I'm fond of the color in small pops and doses, and I even own a few pink blouses, but when one's wardrobe is drowning in it...blech.  Barbara Millicent Roberts, I'm looking at you.  During the nineties everything Barbie owned was pink, and while I don't mind someone wanting things in their favorite color just got old after awhile.  Probably if everything she'd owned had been green or lavender I would've gotten tired of that after awhile.  Now that soft baby pink, I do like.  That's the shade that a lot of baby yarn comes in, and I associate it with soft things like sweaters and blankets and teddy bears.  I kinda do the same thing with light blue, LOL.  Anyway, my opinions on pink have softened over the years, to the point that I'll wear it with a smile on my face.  But it'll never be as beloved for me as green.  

What are y'all's opinions on pink?  Love it, hate it, or and a hand-wave?

Think pink,


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