A long way off

Hockey season is a long way off...and then I'll turn around and it'll be here.  Behold, my favorite team.  Etsy shop is JoyJoeyKangaroo; they are currently not selling anything, but have not completely closed up shop.

My father watched just about every sport except for golf and pro-basketball.  LOL, he liked both sports, but he didn't get much enjoyment out of watching.  But during the spring it was St. Louis Blues hockey.  Of course part of hockey is fistfighting, and after I saw my first fight I too was hooked on the sport.  Hell, even when they're NOT fighting they're rough on each other, and they do this all on skates!

One of my favorite memories is attached to hockey, albeit tangentially.  I was fifteen and having to put together a picture board for a school report on comets, and in order to do so I had to lay out the pictures before placing them.  I'd done this on the living room floor so I could watch the hockey game while I worked, but it didn't go as planned.  Daddy had a box fan going, the edges of my pictures were fluttering, and we just happened to have a Siamese kitten in the house.  All kittens like things that move, but Siamese kittens LOVE things that move!  Fog proceeded to pounce on everything I had laid out, knocking everything out of alignment.  "He's helping!" Daddy said.  Indeed the little goober would have been a great help if he'd just stood on a single picture at once!  I ended up moving the whole shebang to the kitchen table.  We all had a laugh over the scene, I successfully completed my assignment (and got a B+), Fog got some cuddles and a deluxe chin scratching, and I didn't miss much of the game.  Life's never dull when there's kittens about!

Purrs and hockey pucks,


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