Stars upon thars
I'm not a Sneech and I don't live on a beach, but I do have stars. Not on my belly, but on my bow. Another patriotic one, as we are drawing ever closer to Independence Day.
This bow is one of my all-time favorites, because a lot of my shirts are either blue, red, or both. It also fits me very well without pulling or sliding. Some of my other bows will do one or the other. It's a heckuva note when you think your bow is secure, you go about your day, and in mid-stride it comes falling out of your hair. I've only had that happen twice, but it still is a shock when it happens.
Shucks, now I wish I had a bow with Sneeches on it. I love that story!
Shucks, now I wish I had a bow with Sneeches on it. I love that story!
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