House of the...badger???

I think I've established this in the past, but I identify as a Hufflepuff.  This one came from LittleLondonBowtique.
Truth be told, I don't really feel like I'd have fit in ANYWHERE at Hogwarts!  Gryffindor requires bravery and I'm a sniveling coward.  Ravenclaw requires intelligence, and I'm...well, I'm not stupid, but I'm not a genius either.  I'm not ruthless enuff to belong to Slytherin.  So by default I sorted myself into Hufflepuff.  It's all in good fun anyway, LOL.

I think I said this in my post about the Marauder's Map bow that my sister is an out-and-proud Slytherin.  I can remember us discussing the houses at Hogwarts as teenagers, and she said, casually as all get-out, "I'm a Slytherin.  I'm not the least bit ashamed of it."  I remember laughing and saying "Yeah, that fits you!"  It was hilarious.  My mom, as always, shook her head and said "I have no idea what you two are talking about."  LOL, confusing the parent:  a favorite pastime of smart-a$$ teenagers!

Best wishes, 


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