Flag Day

You're a grand old flag.  LOL, this one was one that Mama gave me, so I have no idea where it came from, but I know it's Etsy.  It came from the same lot as the jellybean bow.
A nice big bow!  The bigger they are, the better, though I draw the line at bows that are bigger than my head.  Seriously, I dreamed once that I was wearing one big enuff to catch the wind as I walked.

Regarding Flag Day, Flag Day was a day I grew to loathe as a youngster.  My dad had a large number of historical flags, most dating back to the Revolutionary War (the time frame that he and his friends liked to re-enact).  June 14th was the day he'd put them up...and by "he" I mean my sister and I did the bulk of the work.  We'd have to ferry the flagpoles and the plastic pipes that held up the flagpoles from the backyard to the front.  We'd have to cut the strings that held the flags to the poles.  Daddy would tie the flags to the poles, and then Sister and I would have to drive the pipes into the ground and put the flags up.  Now when we were little Daddy would have to do all the work because the poles were too heavy for us to carry, but by the time I was eight I was doing a fair amount of it.  The front yard looked great after the work was done, but actually getting it done was a tremendous pain in the posterior.

And where was Mama, you ask?  She was inside decorating the interior of the house!  Yes, we had paper decorations for the inside, as well as a few patriotic windsocks that Mama would hang on the trees.  Usually she'd be putting lunch together for the rest of us too, usually your summer staples like hot dogs or grilled cheese sandwiches, plus some potato chips or pork rinds, and some much-needed cold drinks like lemonade or Kool-Aid.  And then we'd gather on the porch and make plans for Fourth of July while we ate.  So yeah, Flag Day wasn't all bad, and it taught the old lesson that work comes before play, but I got tired of Daddy making us do his work when they were HIS flags.  He could've put 'em up!!!  What can I say, I was a moody teenager, and moody teenagers hate everything their parents do, especially when it's hot outside!  Plus, Daddy's knees were pretty bad, so he kinda needed help getting the job done.  And he always said "please" and "thank you" when we completed a task, which is one of my hangups.  I get kinda mad when someone barks an order at me and doesn't say "please" or "thank you," and Daddy rarely did that.  So yeah, the good times outweighed the bad.

Happy Flag Day, y'all!  Not that I really need an excuse to wear a patriotic bow; indeed, I wear these year-around.  But this time of year I wear them a lot more than usual...and I have quite a few!



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