The art of tie-dying

How do you put all your favorite colors into one thing?  Why, my dears, you tie-dye it!  Case in point.

This is an Etsy number, but as is often the case it was a gift so I don't know what shop.  I plan on getting a lot of mileage out of this bow though, because it matches just about everything I own.  It's even got some pink!

Did y'all know that I didn't own my own tie-dyed shirt until I was fifteen?  Yep, I'd always wanted one, but Mama was afraid the dye would come undone in the wash and annihilate a load of laundry.  Legit concern, because that did happen with an ill-placed shop rag one time.  But the modern-day, mass-produced tie-dyed shirts are more colorfast, and once Mama learned that she relented and I had more tie-dyed shirts than one could shake a stick at.  My first one was your traditional spiral pattern with a fair amount of yellow and some other muted shades thrown in, and before my stay in hell high school was over I had one in shades of blue, two patriotic-themed shirts, a couple more in rainbow, and one that I dyed myself that was pink and yellow.  My favorite one was pink; no one else had a pink tie-dyed shirt, and when I wore mine I got a lot of compliments.  I still have 'em, but I need to lose some serious weight before I can get back into 'em.  My doctor said that my high school weight of 180 was actually a realistic goal to shoot for, so that's what I'm a-shootin' for.

Love and Rit Dye,


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