Rubber Duckie, you're the one!
With yet more rain in the forecast I elected to wear something watertight...sort of. I wear this particular bow with one particular shirt, and that shirt hasn't been clean for a long time, but...I got around to washing the shirt! Pardon the stray cat hair on the bow; such things are inevitable when one owns nine cats.
The fun thing about this bow is that it's actually meant for a dog collar, not hair. See the Velcro loops?
Like the music note bow tie I was determined to make this work, so I bought a hair chopstick for it. It's a simple hair stick, made out of polished, sealed wood.
The chopstick is thick, so I have a hard time getting it comfortably placed. But it does the job well.
Oh yes, I've also got these. What good is a rubber duckie theme without earrings?
Oh yes, I've also got these. What good is a rubber duckie theme without earrings?
These look like they'd weigh a ton, but they don't. They're dangly, but unlike a lot of dangly earrings they're also very comfortable. Just don't wear them to a bar fight, LOL.
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