Orange and pink? Yep!

After the rain yesterday the temperatures jumped, and now it'll be in the eighties for the foreseeable future.  Guess who has an air conditioner that's on the blink?  <raises hand>  This has been an ongoing problem over the past few years, and I believe it's time to get a new AC.  But in the meantime I'll wear this goofy thing.
I never thought orange and pink made a good combination, but for college I was given a set of orange and pink sheets, plus an orange and pink comforter that was the warmest thing on the planet.  I thus grew to love the combination, even though the colors do clash badly.  What can I say, I've always liked colors that contrasted or outright clashed.  I like the addition of fake pearls, too.  It's another juxtaposition, something kinda classy with something kinda casual.

Oh yes, and the daisies are smiley faces.  In high school my attitude was often "If you can't wear a peace sign, wear a smiley face."  Rather odd since I spent most of high school in a grouchy mood, ready to lash out at anyone who crossed me.  Looking back, I realize that I needed some kind of medicine.  But to quote the Rolling Stones, it's alright now.  Hearts were broken and mended, lessons were learned, and I grew up.  Sort of.

Love and smiley flowers,


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