The Doctor will see you now

I'd wanted to wait until November to debut this one, but November is a long way off.  Etsy shop is DollfaceDesignss, the same bunch that supplied my pill-popping Pac-Man. 
I'm a casual Doctor Who fan, and I hope to grow into a full-blown fan.  I've followed the show about a year now, ever since I came down with the coronavirus in January of 2022.  Matt Smith/the Eleventh Doctor is my favorite of the Doctors so far, while Donna Noble is my favorite companion.  I'm excited for this November, when Donna will (I hope) get a happier ending than the last one.  Google it if you're curious, because Donna's situation is a bit more complicated than I can explain here.

Whovians unite!  If you're one of the crew give me a holler.  



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