More Easter stuff

This one is one of those that came in a pair.  I may use the other one on one of my dolls, though these are big enuff that that would look kinda stupid.

Time to share some Easter memories, since I love to tell stories.  Interestingly, my family was not churchgoing when I was small.  We believed very strongly in Jesus, but we were incredibly lazy.  But my mama wasn't too lazy to sometimes put on Easter egg hunts for us kids.  I distinctly remember one time, when I was about two or three, when she and Daddy did just that.  It was a gorgeous day, they'd set out plastic eggs in the backyard, and Mama led me by the hand to the various hiding places.  Now I was a child of simple pleasures; often my favorite toys were empty thread spools to roll around, film containers (y'all remember those?) to hide small things in, and brightly colored items like plastic Easter eggs.  Thus most of my eggs were empty, but a few did have loose change inside or Matchbox cars scotch-taped to them.  I particularly remember one egg, apricot in color, nestled in a patch of grape hyacinth, with an old-fashioned fire truck taped to it.  I remember how beautiful it all looked in the sunshine:  green grass, purple flowers, the apricot egg, and the bright red fire truck.  I had a large collection of tiny cars like that, and I gained many more over the years, but that fire truck became one of my favorites.  I can remember another year it rained, and Mama and Daddy set the eggs up in the living room, which also worked very well.

As I grew older we began attending church more regularly, and I was often involved with children's activities since I loved kids.  In 2006 I was eighteen, on the cusp of graduating high school, and very much into high heels.  That Easter I had a brand-new outfit with four-inch platform heels (I was already five-foot-eight), and it was my job to help hide Easter eggs.  Unfortunately, the field my friend and I had been assigned was full of the spawns of Satan better known as sticker burrs.  I had a dilemma:  wear my shoes and run the risk of a nasty fall, or take them off and guarantee injury at the hands of little demonic grass seeds.  No contest, really.  I kept the shoes on and was very careful about where I stepped.  My friend and I got the eggs successfully hidden, and the egg hunt was a rousing success.  One of my favorite little girls found the golden egg, and a cute little boy that I didn't know got the most eggs (there was a prize for both).

That concludes Thursday!  Thank God we had sunshine today; I'm sick to death of thunderstorms.



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